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Horst Seehofer | Those who decide are not elected

“Those who decide are not elected, and those who are elected have nothing to decide.” Horst Seehofer (Pelzig unterhält sich, 20. Mai 2010) “Diejenigen, die entscheiden, sind nicht gewählt, und diejenigen, die gewählt werden, haben nichts zu entscheiden.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


David McGowan | The Moon Landing is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

“[The Moon Landing] is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does…


Antoine Bechamp | The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient

“The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories. The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.” Montague R. Leverson London, 1911…


Thomas Sowell | Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant

“Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. Even countries that were once more prosperous than their neighbors have found themselves much poorer than their neighbors after just one generation of socialistic policies.” Thomas Sowell “Der Sozialismus im Allgemeinen hat eine so eklatante Versagensbilanz, dass nur ein Intellektueller sie ignorieren oder umgehen kann. Selbst Länder, die einst wohlhabender waren als ihre Nachbarn, sind nach nur einer Generation sozialistischer Politik viel ärmer als ihre Nachbarn.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…