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Alexander Wagandt | Ideology is what is still holding the whole system together

“Ideology is what is still holding the whole system together and when that is no longer there…. When people really wake up and realize that they are being held in a mental prison by mental dwarfs, that power dwindles exponentially fast and that is where we are headed. Everything is based on mental, moronic, anti-nature and anti-people concepts. A positive development, however, is that it is becoming more and more transparent.” Alexander Wagandt “Die Ideologie ist das, was das ganze System noch zusammen hält und wenn das nicht mehr vorhanden…


Gore Vidal | The modern dictatorship doesn’t come with brown or black uniforms

“What is a president, then? He is the mouthpiece of the corporations – and nothing else. [….] We are no longer a democracy. We gave up our constitution long ago. [….] The modern dictatorship doesn’t come with brown or black uniforms. We do it with entertainment, with television, with fun, fun. And an education that dumbs down.” Gore Vidal, US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Politiker, „Stern“ Nr. 36/2000 “Was ist denn ein Präsident? Er ist das Sprachrohr der Konzerne – und sonst gar nichts. [….] Wir sind keine Demokratie mehr. Wir haben…


Marcus Aurelius | The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority

“The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” Marcus Aurelius (Zitat ist möglicherweise falsch zugeordnet!) „Das Ziel im Leben ist nicht auf der Seite der Mehrheit zu sein, sondern darin, sich selbst nicht in den Rängen der Wahnsinnigen wiederzufinden.“ Misattributed Quelle: The first citation appears in a translation of Leo Tolstoy’s Bethink Yourselves! The claim made that it is from Marcus Aurelius. Nothing closely resembling it appears in Meditations, nor does it appear…


Albert Schweitzer | I am a free man

“Under no circumstances do I want to be merely a ′common′ man. I have the right to be exceptional – if I can. I want opportunities, not security. I do not want to be a citizen who is humiliated and dulled by government support. I want to encounter risk, have desires and fulfill them, suffer disaster and enjoy success. I refuse to sell my own determination for a pittance. I would prefer to face life’s difficulties rather than lead a secure existence. I prefer the exciting tension of my own…


Albert Schweitzer | Modern man is held in a frenzy of activity

“Modern man is held in a frenzy of activity, so as not to reflect on the meaning of his life and the world” Albert Schweitzer “Der moderne Mensch wird in einem Tätigkeitstaumel gehalten, damit er nicht zum Nachdenken über den Sinn seines Lebens und der Welt kommt.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Clarence Darrow | You can only be free if I am free

“You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man’s freedom. You can only be free if I am free. ” Clarence Darrow (war ein amerikanischer Anwalt, Mitglied der American Civil Liberties Union und ein Gegner der Todesstrafe.) “Du kannst deine Freiheiten in dieser Welt nur schützen, indem du die Freiheit des anderen schützt. Du kannst nur frei sein, wenn ich frei bin.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


H. P. Lovecraft | It is not a true civilization

“It is not a true civilization, and has nothing in it to satisfy a mature and fully developed human mind. It is attuned to the mentality of the galley-slave and the moron, and crushes relentlessly with disapproval, ridicule, and economic annihilation any sign of actually independent thought and civilised feeling whith chances to rise above its sodden level. It is a treadmill, squirrel-trap culture – drugged and frenzied with the hashish of industrial servitude and material luxury. It is wholly a material body-culture, and its symbol is the tiled bathroom…


General Aladeen | Why are you guys so anti-dictators?

“Why are you guys so anti-dictators? Imagine if America was a dictatorship. You could let 1% of the people have all the nation’s wealth. You could help your rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes. And bailing them out when they gamble and lose. You could ignore the needs of the poor for health care and education. Your media would appear free, but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family. You could wiretap phones. You could torture foreign prisoners. You could have rigged elections. You could…


George Orwell | These people don’t see that

“These people don’t see that if you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you.” George Orwell “Die Menschen erkennen nicht, dass bei Befürwortung totalitärer Methoden die Zeit kommen kann, in denen sie gegen statt für einen eingesetzt werden.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Noam Chomsky | bludgeon is to a totalitarian state

“Propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state.” Noam Chomsky, Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda “Propaganda ist für eine Demokratie das, was der Knüppel für einen totalitären Staat ist.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Bärbel Bohley | the thorough research into the Stasi structures

“All these investigations, the thorough research into the Stasi structures, the methods with which they worked and still work, all this will fall into the wrong hands. One will examine these structures in detail – in order to then take them over. They will be adapted a little to fit a free Western society. They won’t necessarily arrest the troublemakers either. There are more subtle ways to disarm someone. But the secret bans, the watching, the suspicion, the fear, the isolation and exclusion, the branding and muzzling of those who…


Arnold Gehlen | devilish is he who erects the kingdom of lies

“And last: devilish is he who erects the kingdom of lies and forces other people to live in it. This still goes beyond the humiliation of spiritual separation, then the kingdom of the perverse world is erected, and the Antichrist wears the mask of the Savior (…). The devil is not the slayer, he is Diabolos, the slanderer, is the ‘God’ in whom the lie is not cowardice, as in man, but domination. He spills the last resort of despair, the knowledge, he instigates the realm of madness, because it…


Alice Bailey | The Masonic Movement

“The Masonic Movement when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralyzing condition of inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. It is the custodian of the law; it is the home of the Mysteries and the seat of initiation. It holds in its symbolism the ritual of Deity, and the way of salvation is pictorially preserved in its work. The methods of Deity are demonstrated in its Temples, and under the All-seeing Eye the work can go…


George Bernard Shaw | I’m known for my irony

“I’m known for my irony. But the idea of erecting a Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor would not have occurred to even me.” George Bernard Shaw “Ich bin bekannt für meine Ironie. Aber auf den Gedanken, im Hafen von New York eine Freiheitsstatue zu errichten, wäre selbst ich nicht gekommen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Joseph Sobran | ‘Need’ now means wanting someone else’s money

“‘Need’ now means wanting someone else’s money. ‘Greed’ means wanting to keep your own. ‘Compassion’ is when a politician arranges the transfer.” Joseph Sobran “‘Grundbedürfnis’ bedeutet heute, das Geld eines anderen haben zu wollen. ‘Gier’ bedeutet, sein eigenes behalten zu wollen. ‘Mitgefühl’ ist, wenn ein Politiker den Transfer veranlasst.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Marjane Satrapi | the world is not divided into countries

“If I have one message to give to the secular American people, it’s that the world is not divided into countries. The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don’t know each other, but we talk together and we understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are…


Manly P. Hall | When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism

“When the human race learns to read the language of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling co regain their consciousness of divinity.” Manly P. Hall (Hochgradfreimaurer im 33. Grad) “Wenn die menschliche Rasse lernt, die Sprache der Symbolik…


Leo Tolstoy | The Anarchists are right in everything

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution. But it will be instituted only by there being more and more people who do not require the protection of governmental power and by there being more and more people who will be ashamed of applying this power.” Lew Nikolajewitsch Graf Tolstoi…


Woodrow Wilson | Some of the biggest men…are afraid of something

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson (Die neue Freiheit) “Seit ich in die Politik eingetreten bin, habe ich die Ansichten der Menschen vor allem im…


Charlie Chaplin | As for politics, I’m an anarchist

“As for politics, I’m an anarchist. I hate governments and rules and fetters. Can’t stand caged animals. People must be free.” Charlie Chaplin “Was die Politik angeht, bin ich Anarchist. Ich hasse Regierungen, Regeln und Fesseln. Ich kann eingesperrte Tiere nicht ausstehen. Die Menschen müssen frei sein.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Roland Baader | It is … a naivety that cannot be excused by anything to believe

“It is … a naivety that cannot be excused by anything to believe that a state can be total in the economic sphere without being so at the same time in the political and spiritual sphere ….” … Democracy and socialism are not a tautology (à la Oskar),but radical, mutually exclusive opposites. Democracy is a method of limiting and controlling power. Socialism, on the other hand, always denies the individual freedom of choice of individuals over their economic preferences and life goals (supposedly in favor of the general public, the…


Dr. Markus Krall | After 3 years of propaganda is apparent

“After 3 years of propaganda is apparent: – Covid was just flu – The mortality figures were fake – Masks were useless – Vaccination was useless and harmful – School closures were useless – The high priests of the Covid cult are corrupt profiteers What now?” Dr. Markus Krall “Nach 3 Jahren Propaganda ist offenbar: – Covid war nur eine Grippe – Die Sterblichkeitszahlen waren Fake – Masken waren nutzlos – Die Impfung war nutzlos und schädlich – Schulschließungen waren nutzlos – Die Hohepriester des Covid-Kults sind korrupte Geschäftemacher Was…


Machiavelli | He who has once begun to live by robbery

“He who has once begun to live by robbery will always find pretexts for seizing what belongs to others.” Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli ( 3. Mai 1469 – – 21. Juni 1527) is a statesman, philosopher and theorist of politics, history and war. “Wer einmal begonnen hat, von Raub zu leben, wird immer Vorwände finden, um sich dessen zu bemächtigen, was anderen gehört.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Marvin Simkin | Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch

“Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.” Marvin Simkin “Demokratie ist nicht Freiheit. Demokratie sind zwei Wölfe und ein Lamm, die darüber abstimmen, was sie zu Mittag essen. Freiheit kommt von der Anerkennung bestimmter Rechte, die nicht genommen werden dürfen, nicht einmal durch eine 99 %-ige Abstimmung.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Nicholas Murray Butler | I divide the world into three Classes

“I divide the world into three Classes – The few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens.” Nicholas Murray Butler “Ich teile die Welt in drei Klassen ein: Die wenigen, die die Dinge geschehen lassen, die vielen, die zusehen, wie etwas geschieht, und die überwältigende Mehrheit, die keine Ahnung hat, was geschieht.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…