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Lysander Spooner | agents of the people

“If a man is my servant, agent, or attorney, I necessarily make myself responsible for all his acts done within the limits of the power I have intrusted to him. If I have intrusted him, as my agent, with either absolute power, or any power at all, over the persons or properties of other men than myself, I thereby necessarily make myself responsible to those other persons for any injuries he may do them, so long as he acts within the limits of the power I have granted him. But…


Vladimir Lenin | The way to crush the bourgeoisie

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” Vladimir Lenin “Der Weg, die Bourgeoisie zu zerschlagen, besteht darin, sie zwischen den Mühlsteinen von Besteuerung und Inflation zu zermahlen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Aldous Huxley | A really efficient totalitarian state

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” Aldous Huxley | Schöne neue Welt “Ein wirklich effizienter totalitärer Staat wäre einer, in dem die allmächtige Exekutive der politischen Bosse und ihre Armee von Managern eine Bevölkerung von Sklaven kontrollieren, die nicht gezwungen werden müssen, weil sie ihre Knechtschaft lieben.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Edmund Burke | Their passions forge their fetters

“Until you could make out practically that great work, a combination of opposing forces, “a work of labour long, and endless praise,” the utmost caution ought to have been used in the reduction of the royal power, which alone was capable of holding together the comparatively heterogeneous mass of your states. But at this day, all these considerations are unreasonable. To what end should we discuss the limitations of royal power? Your king is in prison. Why speculate on the measure and standard of liberty? I doubt much, very much…


Mark Twain | Get your facts first

“Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.” Mark Twain “Besorgen Sie sich zuerst die Fakten, und dann können Sie sie nach Belieben verzerren.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Smedley Darlington Butler | I might have given Al Capone a few hints

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American…


Dr. Angela Merkel | all the major decisions did not have a demoscopic majority when they were made

“But that is precisely why I am also deeply convinced that it is right that we have a representative democracy and not a plebiscitary democracy, and that representative democracy gives us the opportunity for certain periods of time to make decisions, then within these periods of time also to campaign for these decisions and thus to change opinions. Looking back at the history of the Federal Republic, we can say that all the major decisions did not have a demoscopic majority when they were made. The introduction of the social…


Jon Rappoport | Socialism is

“Socialism is: The taking of money (taxes) from some people who work for it and giving it to others who don’t work for it. On a grand scale. The vast expansion of freebies doled out by central government. In order to create and sustain dependence. The government protection of favored persons and corporations, permitting them and aiding them to expand their fortunes without limit, regardless of what crimes they commit in the process. (Monsanto would be a fine example.) The squeezing out of those who would compete with the favored…


Albert Jay Nock | The State, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social

“The State, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the State may provisionally grant him. It has always made justice costly and difficult of access, and has invariably held itself above justice and common morality whenever it could advantage itself by so doing.” Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945) American libertarian author, editor, educational theorist, Georgist, social critic “Der Staat ist sowohl in seiner…


Will Spencer | an alcoholic trying to drink yourself sober

“If your answer to every failure of government is more government, you are like an alcoholic trying to drink yourself sober.” Will Spencer “Wenn deine Antwort auf jedes Versagen des Staats mehr Staat ist, bist du wie ein Alkoholiker, der versucht, sich nüchtern zu saufen. Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Ludwig von Mises | The champions of socialism

“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in…


C.S. Lewis | I do not like the pretensions of Government

“I do not like the pretensions of Government — the grounds on which it demands my obedience — to be pitched too high. I don’t like the medicine-man’s magical pretensions nor the Bourbon’s Divine Right. This is not solely because I disbelieve in magic and in Bossuet’s Politique. I believe in God, but I detest theocracy. For every Government consists of mere men and is, strictly viewed, a makeshift; if it adds to its commands ‘Thus saith the Lord’, it lies, and lies dangerously. On just the same ground I…


Russel Brand | the mainstream media is not your friend

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes, I’ve been wrong many times but I’m beginning to think I’m right about this: the mainstream media is not your friend, the culture is not your friend, the government is not your friend, big business is not your friend. They are operating collegiately in unison to create a set of systems that are beneficial to them and disadvantage you.” Russel Brand „the mainstream media is not your friend“ “Ich habe viele Fehler gemacht, ich habe mich oft geirrt, aber langsam glaube ich, dass ich…


M.A.Verick | The most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction are the Mass Media

“The most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction are the Mass Media. For they destroy the people’s spirit, creativity and courage, replacing them by fear, mistrust, guilt and self-doubt.” M.A.Verick | (DAS MEDIEN MONOPOL – Gedankenkontrolle und Manipulationen) „Die gefährlichsten Massenvernichtungswaffen sind die Massenmedien. Denn sie zerstören den Geist, die Kreativität und den Mut der Menschen, und ersetzen diese mit Angst, Misstrauen, Schuld und Selbstzweifel.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Prof. Christoph Degenhart | The broadcasters adopt government lines in an undifferentiated manner

“In the portrayal of political processes, I often see a certain political one-sidedness. For example, when it comes to the topics of ecology or Europeanization, critics are always put in the right-wing corner. [….] The broadcasters adopt government lines in an undifferentiated manner. ARD and ZDF are increasingly acting as an acclamation forum for politics.” Professor Christoph Degenhart | (72 | Leipziger Medienrechtler) “In der Darstellung politischer Prozesse sehe ich oft eine gewisse politische Einseitigkeit. Zum Beispiel werden bei den Themen Ökologie oder Europäisierung Kritiker immer wieder in die rechte…


Jean-Luc Godard | Cannes is a propaganda tool

“Zelensky’s intervention at the Cannes festival goes without saying if you look at it from the angle of what is called “staging”: a bad actor, a professional comedian, under the eye of other professionals in their own professions. I believe I must have said something along these lines a long time ago. It therefore took the staging of yet another world war and the threat of another catastrophe for us to know that Cannes is a propaganda tool like any other. They propagate Western aesthetics whilst thinking it is not…


Harry S. Truman | Bait and bleed

“If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don’t want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.” Harry S. Truman | US-Senators im Jahr 1941 “Wenn wir sehen, dass Deutschland gewinnt, sollten wir Russland helfen, und wenn Russland gewinnt, sollten wir Deutschland helfen und sie auf diese Weise so viele wie möglich töten lassen, obwohl ich Hitler unter keinen Umständen siegen sehen möchte.” Nützliche…


George Orwell | Real power is achieved

“Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.” George Orwell “Wahre Macht wird erreicht, wenn die herrschende Klasse die materiellen Lebensgrundlagen kontrolliert und sie den Massen gewährt und vorenthält als wären sie Privilegien.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


José Luis Sampedro | Public opinion is influenced by the media

“Public opinion is influenced by the media and the media are in the hands of those who rule and those who rule favor those who say what is convenient for them and erase everything that does not suit them. So public opinion is, above all, media opinion.” José Luis Sampedro spanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Humanist und Schriftsteller 1917 – 2013 „Die öffentliche Meinung wird von den Medien beeinflusst, und die Medien sind in der Hand der Regierenden und der Regierenden, die diejenigen bevorzugen, die sagen, was für sie geeignet ist, und alles…


Dr. John Coleman | A One World Government […] in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages.

“A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants….


John Quincy Adams | I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry

“I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring … a conspiracy of the few against the equal rights of the many …Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong – essentially wrong – a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.” John Quincy Adams | was an American politician and diplomat and the sixth President of the United States from March 4, 1825 to…


Petr Skrabanek | The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth

“The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth. When this pursuit is no longer a personal yearning but part of state ideology, healthism for short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness.” Petr Skrabanek | Tschechisch-irischer Arzt “Das Streben nach Gesundheit ist ein Symptom für Ungesundheit. Wenn dieses Streben nicht länger eine persönliche Sehnsucht ist, sondern Teil der staatlichen Ideologie, kurz Gesundheit, wird es zum Symptom politischer Krankheit.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Aldous Huxley | Under a scientific dictatorship

“If the first half of the twentieth century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of the social engineers — and the twenty-first century, I suppose, will be the era of World Controllers, the scientific caste system and Brave New World. [….] The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work’ with the result that most men and women will grow up to…