
Senator Daniel K. Inouye | There exists a shadowy Government

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."

Senator Daniel K. Inouye

Woodrow Wilson | Some of the biggest men…are afraid of something

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

Woodrow Wilson

H.G. Wells | Countless people [….] will hate the new world order

"Countless people, from maharajas to millionaires and from pukha sahibs to pretty ladies, will hate the new world order, be rendered unhappy by the frustration of their passions and ambitions through its advent and will die protesting against it."

Herbert George Wells

Albert Einstein | The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb

"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses."

Albert Einstein

Richard N. Gardner | The New World Order will be created

"The New World Order will be created and ultimately put an end to all national sovereignty. But an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."

Richard N. Gardner

Leo Tolstoy | Governments not only are not necessary

"Governments not only are not necessary, but are harmful and most highly immoral institutions."

Leo Tolstoy

George Bernard Shaw | The politician who once had to learn to flatter Kings

"The politician who once had to learn to flatter Kings has now to learn how to fascinate, amuse, coax, humbug, frighten, or otherwise strike the fancy of the electorate."

George Bernard Shaw

José Ortega y Gasset | Universal suffrage

"Universal suffrage did not give the masses the right to decide, but to approve the decision of one elite or another."

José Ortega y Gasset

Jack Posobiec | homogenized consumer class of worker drones

"You're going to be a homogenized consumer class of worker drones in order for them to establish Elysium, and this is also where ... the metaverse comes in. Transhumanism, this is your bread and circuses now. It's virtual bread and circuses to distract you from the suffering that goes on all around you."

Jack Posobiec

George Orwell | To keep them in control was not difficult

"Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult."

George Orwell, 1984

Adolf Hitler | To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens

"To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens."

Adolf Hitler

Aldous Huxley | Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control

"Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses."

Aldous Huxley

Milton Friedman | Every friend of freedom

"Every friend of freedom must be as revolted as I am by the prospect of turning the United States into an armed camp, by the vision of jails filled with casual drug users and of an army of enforcers empowered to invade the liberty of citizens on slight evidence."

Milton Friedman

Vladimir Lenin | While the State exists, there can be no freedom

"While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State."

Vladimir Lenin

Steve Jacobson | Political and economic power

"Political and economic power in the United States is concentrated in the hands of a “ruling elite” that controls most of U.S.-based multinational corporations, major communication media, the most influential foundations, major private universities and most public utilities. Founded in 1921, the Council of Foreign Relations is the key link between the large corporations and the federal government. It has been called a “school for statesmen” and “comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes. The creation of the United Nations was a Council project, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank."

Steve Jacobson

Walter Lippmann | The process by which public opinions arise

"That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach."

Walter Lippmann

Tony Cartalucci | Your Real Government

"These organizations represent the collective interests of the largest corporations on earth. They not only retain armies of policy wonks and researchers to articulate their agenda and form a consensus internally, but also use their massive accumulation of unwarranted influence in media, industry, and finance to manufacture a self-serving consensus internationally. To believe that this corporate-financier oligarchy would subject their agenda and fate to the whims of the voting masses is naive at best. They have painstakingly ensured that no matter who gets into office, in whatever country, the guns, the oil, the wealth and the power keep flowing perpetually into their own hands. [....] The real revolution will commence when we identify the above equation as the true brokers of power and when we begin systematically removing our dependence on them, and their influence on us from our daily lives. The global corporate-financier oligarchy needs us, we do not need them, independence from them is the key to our freedom."

Tony Cartalucci

Prof. Rainer Mausfeld | the illusion of democracy

"But what could make democracy attractive to the powerful, whose very power it limits and threatens? The answer is quite simple: Nothing! For democracy means precisely to restrict the power needs of the powerful and the rich, in which they naturally have no interest. This now results in a tension between the needs of the rulers to stabilize their status and our need to feel socially autonomous and self-determined with regard to our social situation. In history, this fundamental tension has often been discharged in the form of revolutions. From the point of view of the rulers, how can this tension be defused if we want to avoid bloody revolutions?

The solution lies in 'satisfying' the citizens' need for freedom with a surrogate, with a substitute drug, namely the illusion of democracy. To create such an illusion of democracy, one needs above all - and this is where the herd metaphor comes into play again - an ideology of justification that justifies why the people are immature and in need of leadership. Furthermore, the idea of democracy, which is so attractive to the people, must be emptied of its meaning so that it is limited only to an electoral act. And finally, continuous democracy management is needed to ensure that the people want what they are supposed to want in the act of voting."

Prof. Rainer Mausfeld

Noam Chomsky | Voting is not an option

"It’s about what you would expect from a bipartisan democracy campaign — it’s an attempt to impose what is called democracy, meaning rule by the rich and the powerful, without interference by the mob but within the framework of formal electoral procedures."

Noam Chomsky

Elon Musk | The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter

"The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter"

Elon Musk

Gustave de Molinari | Anarchy is no guarantee

"Anarchy is no guarantee that some people won't kill, injure, kidnap, defraud, or steal from others. Government is a guarantee that some will."

Gustave de Molinari

Henry Hazlitt | The whole gospel of Karl Marx in a single sentence

"The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects - his laziness, incompetence, improvidence, or stupidity."

Henry Hazlitt

Ernst Jünger | The most horrifying prospect is that of technocracy

"The most horrifying prospect is that of technocracy, controlled rule exercised by maimed and mutilating minds."

Ernst Jünger

Hans Hermann Hoppe | the greatest threat to human security

"The recently ended twentieth century was characterized by a level of human rights violations unparalleled in all of human history. In his book Death by Government, Rudolph Rummel estimates some 170 million government-caused deaths in the twentieth century. The historical evidence appears to indicate that, rather than protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of their citizens, governments must be considered the greatest threat to human security."

Prof. Hans Hermann Hoppe

Hans Hermann Hoppe | Democracy is a soft variant of communism

"Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else."

Prof. Hans Hermann Hoppe

The Libertarian Pilot | rules of state power

"We were raised by people who dutifully follow the rules of state power. We were brought up to follow the rules & not question the state. But now malicious people make the rules. It's time to teach our children something different."

The Libertarian Pilot

Joost A.M. Meerloo | democratic or totalitarian

"In my own experience, I have been amazed to see how unrealistic are the bases for political opinion in general. Only rarely have I found a person who has chosen any particular political party - democratic or totalitarian - through study and comparison of principles."

Joost A.M. Meerloo

Ursula von der Leyen | Thank you for your leadership

"Thank you Melinda & Bill for your leadership and dedication!"

Ursula von der Leyen

John Adams | Fear is the foundation of most governments

"Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it."

John Adams

Jean-Claude Juncker | step by step until there is no turning back

"We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."

Jean-Claude Juncker