
Marcus Aurelius | The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."

Marcus Aurelius

Mahatma Gandhi | who dare to question authority

"The world cannot be improved if everyone blindly follows the majority. It needs people who have the courage to question the seemingly irrefutable, who dare to question authority and use their own minds."

Mahatma Gandhi

Albert Schweitzer | I am a free man

"Under no circumstances do I want to be merely a ′common′ man. I have the right to be exceptional – if I can. I want opportunities, not security. I do not want to be a citizen who is humiliated and dulled by government support. I want to encounter risk, have desires and fulfill them, suffer disaster and enjoy success. I refuse to sell my own determination for a pittance. I would prefer to face life’s difficulties rather than lead a secure existence. I prefer the exciting tension of my own success to the dull calm of Utopia. I want neither to sacrifice my freedom for benefits nor my human dignity for charity. I have learned to think and act for myself, to look the world squarely in the face and to recognize that this is my achievement. This is what is meant when we say: I am a free man!"

Albert Schweitzer

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann | a manufactured reality constructed by the media

"What you find in people's minds today is often not reality at all, but a manufactured reality constructed by the media"

Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann

José Luis Sampedro | Public opinion is influenced by the media

"Public opinion is influenced by the media and the media are in the hands of those who rule and those who rule favor those who say what is convenient for them and erase everything that does not suit them. So public opinion is, above all, media opinion."

José Luis Sampedro