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Murray Rothbard | The function of the statist ideologists

“The function of the statist ideologists is to weave the false set of Emperor’s clothes, to convince the public of a massive double standard: that when the State commits the gravest of high crimes it is really not doing so, but doing something else that is necessary, proper, vital, and even – in former ages – by divine command. The age-old success of the ideologists of the State is perhaps the most gigantic hoax in the history of mankind” Murray Rothbard, “The Ethics of Liberty | Die Ethik der Freiheit”…


Noam Chomsky | The general population doesn’t know

“The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.” Noam Chomsky “Die Mehrheit der gewöhnlichen Bevölkerung versteht nicht was wirklich geschieht. Und sie versteht noch nicht einmal, dass sie es nicht versteht.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Mahatma Gandhi | The state represents violence

“The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.” Mahatma Gandhi “Der Staat repräsentiert Gewalt in einer intensivierten und organisierten Form. Das Individuum hat eine Seele, aber der Staat, der eine Maschine ohne Seele ist, kann von Gewalt nicht befreit werden, da er ihm seine Existenz verdankt.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Noam Chomsky | Voting is not an option

“It’s about what you would expect from a bipartisan democracy campaign — it’s an attempt to impose what is called democracy, meaning rule by the rich and the powerful, without interference by the mob but within the framework of formal electoral procedures.” Noam Chomsky in 1993 regarding NED: Voting is not an option “Es ist in etwa, was man von einem zweiparteilichen demokratischen Wahlkampf erwartet – es ist ein Versuch, das aufzuzwingen, was formell Demokratie genannt wird, d.h. Herrschaft durch die Reichen und Mächtigen, ohne eigentliche Einflussnahme durch die breite…


Prof. Rainer Mausfeld | the illusion of democracy

“But what could make democracy attractive to the powerful, whose very power it limits and threatens? The answer is quite simple: Nothing! For democracy means precisely to restrict the power needs of the powerful and the rich, in which they naturally have no interest. This now results in a tension between the needs of the rulers to stabilize their status and our need to feel socially autonomous and self-determined with regard to our social situation. In history, this fundamental tension has often been discharged in the form of revolutions. From…


Lysander Spooner | The Constitution of no Authority

“It is true that the theory of our Constitution is, that all taxes are paid voluntarily; that our government is a mutual insurance company, voluntarily entered into by the people with each other; that each man makes a free and purely voluntary contract with all others who are parties to the Constitution, to pay so much money for so much protection, the same as he does with any other insurance company; and that he is just as free not to be protected, and not to pay any tax, as he…


Walter Lippmann | The process by which public opinions arise

“That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . ….


Napoleon Bonaparte | The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization

“The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits]. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” Napoleon Bonaparte; 1769-1821;…


Milton Friedman | Every friend of freedom

“Every friend of freedom must be as revolted as I am by the prospect of turning the United States into an armed camp, by the vision of jails filled with casual drug users and of an army of enforcers empowered to invade the liberty of citizens on slight evidence.” Milton Friedman “Jeder Freund der Freiheit muss genauso empört sein wie ich über die Aussicht, die Vereinigten Staaten in ein bewaffnetes Lager zu verwandeln, über die Vision von Gefängnissen, die mit gelegentlichen Drogenkonsumenten gefüllt sind, und von einer Armee von Vollstreckern,…


Mahatma Gandhi | who dare to question authority

“The world cannot be improved if everyone blindly follows the majority. It needs people who have the courage to question the seemingly irrefutable, who dare to question authority and use their own minds.” Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) | Indischer Pazifist und Anführer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung “Die Welt lässt sich nicht verbessern, wenn alle blind der Mehrheit folgen. Es braucht Menschen, die den Mut haben scheinbar Unumstössliches infrage zu stellen, die sich trauen, Autoritäten anzuzweifeln und ihren eigenen Verstand zu gebrauchen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Gustave de Molinari | Anarchy is no guarantee

“Anarchy is no guarantee that some people won’t kill, injure, kidnap, defraud, or steal from others. Government is a guarantee that some will.” Gustave de Molinari “Anarchie ist keine Garantie dafür, dass nicht einige Menschen andere töten, verletzen, entführen, betrügen oder bestehlen werden. Eine Regierung ist eine Garantie dafür, dass einige es tun.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Aldous Huxley | Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control

“Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses.” Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World “Unpersönliche Kräfte, über die wir fast keine Kontrolle haben, scheinen uns alle in Richtung des Albtraums der Schönen Neuen Welt…


Edward Bernays | Our invisible governors

“Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.” Edward Bernays “Unsere unsichtbaren Regierenden sind sich in vielen Fällen der Identität ihrer Kollegen im inneren Kabinett nicht bewusst.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Albert Pike | We always give the public their heroes

“We always give the public their heroes. We give the heroes to every faction, and then people once they hear this person say all the right things, we give releases to them because he or she speaks for ‘me’. We say go there go do that and they do it. We give our power to the authorized heroes.” Albert Pike, (the Pope of Freemasonry in the 1800’s) “Wir geben der Öffentlichkeit immer ihre Helden. Wir geben jeder Fraktion, jeder Seite ihre Helden und wenn die Leute dann hören, dass diese…


Hannah Arendt | those who choose the lesser evil

“In their moral justification, the argument of the lesser evil has played a prominent role. If you are confronted with two evils, the argument runs, it is your duty to opt for the lesser one, whereas it is irresponsible to refuse to choose altogether. Its weakness has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget quickly that they chose evil.[….] Acceptance of the lesser evil is deliberately used to accustom officials, as well as the population at large, to accept the evil itself.” Hannah Arendt “Bei ihrer moralischen…


Ayn Rand | you may know that your society is doomed

“Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion- When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing- when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors- when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you- when you see corruption being rewarded…


Aldous Huxley | The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy

“The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not dream of escape. A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude.” Aldous Huxley (Is doubted and is probably a quote from the „European Graduate School“ see here “Die perfekte Diktatur wird den Anschein einer Demokratie machen, einem Gefängnis ohne Mauern, in dem die Gefangenen nicht einmal davon träumen auszubrechen. Es ist ein System der Sklaverei, bei dem die Sklaven dank Konsum und Unterhaltung ihre Liebe…


Jack Posobiec | homogenized consumer class of worker drones

“You’re going to be a homogenized consumer class of worker drones in order for them to establish Elysium, and this is also where … the metaverse comes in. Transhumanism, this is your bread and circuses now. It’s virtual bread and circuses to distract you from the suffering that goes on all around you.” Jack Posobiec | Eat Bugs, Live In Your Pod, Own Nothing and Be Happy: Wilsonian Thought Has Long Been Shaping Citizens into Serfs “Ihr werdet eine homogenisierte Konsumentenklasse von Arbeitsdrohnen sein, damit sie Elysium errichten können, und…


Nassim Nicholas Taleb | gap between journalists and the public

“The fact that there is a gap between journalists and the public is shown above all by the fact that the former are much more interested in the opinion of their colleagues than in the judgment of their readers. Compare this with a healthy system, for example that of restaurants. As we […] have seen, restaurant owners care about the opinions of their diners, not those of other restaurant owners, which keeps restaurant owners doing what their job is; it prevents the industry as a whole from moving away from…


Noam Chomsky | course of intellectual self defense

“Citizens of the democratic societies should undertake a course of intellectual self defense to protect themselves from manipulation and control, and to lay the basis for meaningful democracy.” Noam Chomsky “Die Bürger demokratischer Gesellschaften sollten Kurse für geistige Selbstverteidigung besuchen, um sich gegen Manipulation und Kontrolle wehren zu können.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Larken Rose | In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion

“In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion, made up of a set of dogmatic teachings, irrational doctrines which fly in the face of both evidence and logic, and which are methodically memorized and repeated by the faithful. Like other religions, the gospel of “government” describes a superhuman, supernatural entity, above mere mortals, which issues commandments to the peasantry, for whom unquestioning obedience is a moral imperative.” Larken Rose (Der gefährlichste Aberglaube | The Most Dangerous Superstition ) “Der religiöse Glaube an die Autorität zielt deshalb auf die Versklavung…


Ignazio Silone | If at a future moment fascism will return

“If at a future moment fascism will return, it will not be so stupid as to say: ‘I am fascism.’ It will say: ‘I am antifascism.'” Ignazio Silone “Der neue Faschismus wird nicht sagen: Ich bin der neue Faschismus. Er wird sagen: Ich bin der Antifaschismus.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links This reminded me of what Ignazio Silone said in 1945 soon after he returned to Italy from his Zurich exile: “The Fascism of tomorrow will never say ‘I am Fascism.’ It will say: ‘I am anti-Fascism.'” François Bondy, “European Notebook”,…


Jean-Claude Juncker | step by step until there is no turning back

“We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.” Jean-Claude Juncker “Wir beschließen etwas, stellen das dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, was passiert. Wenn es dann kein großes Geschrei gibt und keine Aufstände, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter – Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein…


Napoleon Bonaparte | There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people

“There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people than the Germans. No lie can be conceived treacherous enough, the Germans believe it. They follow a slogan which was given to them, to act against their own countrymen, rather than the real enemies of their country.” Napoleon Bonaparte (Zitat wird angezweifelt) “Es gibt kein gutmütigeres, aber auch kein leichtgläubigeres Volk als das deutsche. Zwiespalt brauchte ich unter ihnen nie zu säen. Ich brauchte nur meine Netze auszuspannen, dann liefen sie wie ein scheues Wild hinein. Untereinander haben sie…