St. Antony the Great | You are mad; you are not like us
"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.'"
St. Antony the Great
"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.'"
St. Antony the Great
"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."
Napoleon Bonapart
"We are more gullible and superstitious today than we were in the Middle Ages, and an example of modern credulity is the widespread belief that the Earth is round. The average man can advance not a single reason for thinking that the Earth is round. He merely swallows this theory because there is something about it that appeals to the twentieth century mentality."
George Bernard Shaw
"Numbing the senses by monotonously repeating an assertion is a key element in utilizing mind control techniques."
Joost A.M. Meerloo
"The continual intrusion into our minds of the hammering noises of arguments and propaganda can lead to two kinds of reactions. It may lead to apathy and indifference, the I-don't-care reaction, or to a more intensified desire to study and to understand. Unfortunately, the first reaction is the more popular one."
Joost A.M. Meerloo
"Totalitarianism is the modern phenomenon of total centralized state power coupled with the obliteration of individual human rights: in the totalized state, there are those in power, and there are the objectified masses, the victims."
Arthur Versluis
"When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love."
Manly P. Hall
"He who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press and radio, is master of the mind. Repeat mechanically your assumptions and suggestions, diminish the opportunity for communicating dissent and opposition. This is the formula for political conditioning of the masses"
Joost A.M. Meerloo
"We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie."
Alexander Solschenizyn
"[The Moon Landing] is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?"
David McGowan
"The welfare of the people…has always been the alibi of tyrants…giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience."
Albert Camus
"Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does. Banks do not loan money, governments are not empowered to protect you, the police department is not there to serve you, institutions of higher learning, colleges and educational institutes, are not there to educate you. The entire superstructure of civilization in the Western world is a combination of brilliantly put together and planned, well-planned, schemes to direct the minds of the people in such a way as to serve their masters."
Jordan Maxwell
"I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time."
Henry Louis Mencken
"The word 'democracy' is a heavy intoxicant. It prevents learning, clouds the mind, confuses thinking, creates delusions - and eventually makes you sleepy and apathetic. Today's democracy junkies would murder Socrates again."
Roland Baader
"One need only translate the terms "conspiracy theorists" as "heretics" to know the tradition in which these terms stand and those who use them. Ultimately, it is about the accusation of apostasy from the ruling faith, which is determined by the ruling authorities and majorities. (Faith in this respect can also be translated as ruling doctrine, ideology, etc.). Thus, contrary to the subjective view of many of its users, the terms are themselves expressions of clerical and authoritarian thought structures based on subjugation as a basic psychological pattern. It is denunciatory, inquisitorial. It is directed against classical skepticism. Thus, the main purpose of these terms can only be to discredit "serious conjectures", hypotheses and facts, and thereby prevent real causal research."
Daniel Neun
"The greatest of all crimes are the wars that are carried on by governments, to plunder, enslave, and destroy mankind."
Lysander Spooner
"Believers think ideology is dying or already dead and that Gorbachev has abandoned the class struggle and taken the 'capitalist road'. They do not realise that 'perestroika' is an expression of ideological strategy and a practical means of reviving ideology. It is not the abandonment of class struggle but a finesse to secure the defeat of the capitalist democracies by the use of capitalist weapons. The class struggle will yet have its bloody feasts. The Western elite believe they are helping the cause of democracy. In fact they are financing their own demise and digging their own graves. The tragedy is that they will probably not see it until it is too late."
Anatoliy Golitsyn
"The problem isn't a lack of money food water or land. The problem is that you've given control of these things to a group of greedy psychopaths who care more about maintaining their own power than helping mankind"
Bill Hicks
"The organizing principle of any society is for war. The basic authority of the modern state over its people resides in its war powers. Today it's oil, tomorrow, water. It's what we like to call the GOD business: Guns, Oil, and Drugs. But there is a problem. Our way of life, its over. It's unsustainable and in rapid decline. That's why we implement demand destruction. We continue to make money as the world burns. But for this to work the people have to remain ignorant of the problem until it's too late. That's why we have triggers in place: 9/11, 7/7, WMDs. A population in a permanent state of fear does not ask questions. Our desire for war becomes *its* desire for war. A willing sacrifice. You see, fear is justification, fear is control, fear is money. You're a brilliant soldier and I could still use someone like you."
Gerry Langdon
"Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think."
Ernest Holmes
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Henry Ford
"The person must be blind, indeed, who can not see, that here on earth a great project, a great plan, is executed, may work on the realization of which we participate as faithful servants."
Winston Churchill
"Our principal men are forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the party political system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance."
Montagu Norman
„War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other.“
Paul Valéry
"Most schooling is training for stupidity and conformity, and that's institutional, but occasionally you get a spark, somebody'll challenge your mind, make you think and so on, and that has a tremendous effect you just reach all sorts of people. Of course if you do it you may very have problems, you have to tread the narrow line. There are plenty of people who don't want students to think, they're afraid of the crisis of democracy. If people start thinking you get all these problems that I quoted before. They won't have enough humility to submit to a civil rule or they'll start trying to press their demands in the political arena and have ideas of their own, instead of beleiving what they're told. And privelage and power typically doesn't want that and so they react and the high school teacher that tries to get students to think may find oppression, firing and so on."
Noam Chomsky