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Robert Higgs | politicians will create an emergency so they can break the law.

“If we let politicians break the law in an emergency, politicians will create an emergency so they can break the law.” Robert Higgs (Ökonom | Crisis and Leviathan) “Wenn wir zulassen, dass Politiker in einer Notsituation das Gesetz zu brechen, werden Politiker eine Notsituation schaffen, damit sie das Gesetz brechen können.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Graham Hancock | I believe we are a species with amnesia

“I believe we are a species with amnesia, I think we have forgotten our roots and our origins. I think we are quite lost in many ways. And we live in a society that invests huge amounts of money and vast quantities of energy in ensuring that we all stay lost. A society that invests in creating unconsciousness, which invests in keeping people asleep so that we are just passive consumers or products and not really asking any of the questions.” Graham Hancock „Ich glaube, wir sind eine Spezies mit…


Aldous Huxley | People will come to love their oppression

“People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.” Aldous Huxley “Die Menschen werden dazu kommen, ihre Unterdrückung zu lieben, die Technologien zu bewundern, die ihnen die Fähigkeit zu denken nehmen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Stefan Zweig | The tales of gouged-out eyes

“The tales of gouged-out eyes and severed hands which appear on the third or fourth day of every war filled the newspapers. They did not know, those innocents who spread such lies, that the accusation of every possible cruelty against the enemy is as much war materiel as are munitions and planes, and that they are systematically taken out of storage at the beginning of every war. War does not permit itself to be coordinated with reason and righteousness. […] Shakespeare was banned from the German stage, Mozart and Wagner…


Jordan Maxwell | Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does

“Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does. Banks do not loan money, governments are not empowered to protect you, the police department is not there to serve you, institutions of higher learning, colleges and educational institutes, are not there to educate you. The entire superstructure of civilization in the Western world is a combination of brilliantly put together and planned, well-planned, schemes to direct the minds of the people in such a way as to serve their masters.” Jordan Maxwell “Nichts in dieser Welt funktioniert so,…


Noam Chomsky | governments will use whatever technology

“Governments should not have this capacity. But governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population” Noam Chomsky “Regierungen sollten nicht über diese Fähigkeit verfügen. Aber Regierungen werden jede Technologie nutzen, die ihnen zur Verfügung steht, um ihren Hauptfeind zu bekämpfen – ihre eigene Bevölkerung.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Fred Hoyle | Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside

“Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside, is available…a new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose.“ Fred Hoyle (britische Astronom) “Wenn Menschen Bilder aus dem Weltraum von der Erde sehen, wird das Leben auf der Erde nie mehr so sein, wie es einmal war.“ Variante; “Sobald ein Foto der Erde, das von außen aufgenommen wurde, verfügbar ist, wird eine neue Idee, die so mächtig ist wie keine andere in der Geschichte, freigesetzt werden.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Willy Brandt | Whoever should once play with the state of emergency

“Whoever should once play with the state of emergency to limit freedom will find my friends and me on the barricades in defense of democracy, and this is meant quite literally.” Willy Brandt (In der Parlamentsdebatte wandte sich Willy Brandt, damals Außenminister und Vizekanzler, an die außerparlamentarische Opposition) “Wer einmal mit dem Notstand spielen sollte, um die Freiheit einzuschränken, wird meine Freunde und mich auf den Barrikaden zur Verteidigung der Demokratie finden, und dies ist ganz wörtlich gemeint.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Michael Jackson | Sadly, sadly, we live in a state of fear

“Sadly, sadly, we live in a state of fear. Everyday we hear of war on the news, on the radio and television and the newspapers, always of war. We hear of nations hurting each other, of neighbours hurting each other, of families hurting each other and the children killing each other. We must learn to live and love each other before its too late. We have to stop! We have to stop the prejudice, we have to stop the hating, we have to stop living in fear of our own…


MOYO-Film | because it strives to break out of this cognitive cage

“Activating collective consciousness is probably one of the most difficult tasks to attempt because people are largely unaware of the extent to which their thinking is governed by tacit rules and predetermined as given, assumed notions that, because they appear as self-evident truth, render ideology invisible. Truly unrestricted intellectual debate feels threatening because it strives to break out of this cognitive cage. Worse, this cage is so insidious that it influences even those who are already outside the mainstream. People are rarely, if ever, persuaded by argument. Those who adopt…


Daniel Neun | One need only translate the terms “conspiracy theorists” as “heretics”

“One need only translate the terms “conspiracy theorists” as “heretics” to know the tradition in which these terms stand and those who use them. Ultimately, it is about the accusation of apostasy from the ruling faith, which is determined by the ruling authorities and majorities. (Faith in this respect can also be translated as ruling doctrine, ideology, etc.). Thus, contrary to the subjective view of many of its users, the terms are themselves expressions of clerical and authoritarian thought structures based on subjugation as a basic psychological pattern. It is…


Mark Dice | You can’t trust anything the liberal media industrial complex says

“You can’t trust anything the liberal media industrial complex says about who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in any conflict when they reported Black Lives Matter is a peaceful civil rights movement as they burned down hundreds of businesses across America” Mark Dice “Man kann nichts von dem glauben, was der liberale Medienkomplex darüber sagt, wer in einem Konflikt die Guten und wer die Bösen sind. Sie berichteten, dass Black Lives Matter eine friedliche Bürgerrechtsbewegung sei, während diese hunderte von Unternehmen in ganz Amerika niederbrannten…


Bill Hicks | The problem isn’t a lack of money food water or land

“The problem isn’t a lack of money food water or land. The problem is that you’ve given control of these things to a group of greedy psychopaths who care more about maintaining their own power than helping mankind” Bill Hicks “Das Problem ist nicht, dass es an Geld, Nahrung, Wasser oder Land mangelt. Das Problem ist, dass ihr die Kontrolle über diese Dinge einer Gruppe von gierigen Psychopathen überlassen habt, die sich mehr um den Erhalt ihrer eigenen Macht kümmern, als der Menschheit zu helfen” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Richard Dreyfuss | Television is hypnotic, and it hides among

“Television is hypnotic, and it hides among the furniture of your living room. It doesn’t reveal itself, but it distorts everything.” Richard Dreyfuss “Der Fernseher ist hypnotisierend und versteckt sich zwischen den Möbeln Ihres Wohnzimmers. Es gibt sich nicht zu erkennen, aber es verzerrt alles.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Henry Ford | a revolution before tomorrow morning

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford (1863-1947) „Eigentlich ist es gut, dass die Menschen unser Banken- und Währungssystem nicht verstehen. Würden sie es nämlich, so hätten wir eine Revolution vor morgen früh.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Denzel Washington | Anything you practice you’ll get good at — including BS

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed […] One of the effects is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore. So what a responsibility you all have; to tell the truth, not to just be first, but to tell the truth. We live in a society now where it’s just first. Who cares? Get it out there. We don’t care who it hurts, we don’t care who we destroy, we don’t care if it’s true. Just say it,…


Murray Rothbard | Taxation is nothing but organized theft

“There can be no such thing as ‘fairness in taxation.’ Taxation is nothing but organized theft, and the concept of a ‘fair tax’ is therefore every bit as absurd as that of ‘fair theft’.” Murray Rothbard “So etwas wie ‘Steuergerechtigkeit’ kann es nicht geben. Steuern sind nichts anderes als organisierter Diebstahl, und das Konzept einer ‘gerechten Steuer’ ist daher genauso absurd wie das des ‘gerechten Diebstahls’.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Joseph Stalin | Social-Democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism

“Fascism is the bourgeoisie’s fighting organisation that relies on the active support of Social-Democracy. Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism…. These organisations (i.e. Fascism and social democracy) are not antipodes, they are twins.” Joseph Stalin ( and referred to social democracy and fascism as “twin brothers.” „Der Faschismus ist eine Kampforganisation der Bourgeoisie, die sich auf die aktive Unterstützung der Sozialdemokratie stützt. Die Sozialdemokratie ist objektiv der gemäßigte Flügel des Faschismus. […] Diese Organisationen schließen einander nicht aus, sondern ergänzen einander. Das sind keine Antipoden, sondern Zwillingsbrüder.“…


Thomas Sowell | The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world

“The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people’s money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly.” Thomas Sowell “Der Sozialstaat ist der älteste Trickbetrug der Welt. Zuerst nimmst du den Menschen still und heimlich Geld weg und dann gibst du ihnen einen Teil davon mit großem Getöse wieder zurück.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Julian Assange | when asked “Who do you think is the number-one enemy?”

„Our number-one enemy is ignorance. And I believe that is the number-one enemy of everyone. It’s not understanding what is actually going on in the world. It’s only once you start to understand that you can make effective decisions and effective plans. Now the question is: who is promoting this ignorance? […] It is bad media. It really is my opinion that the media in general are so bad we have to question whether the world wouldn’t be better off without them all together. They’re so distortive to how the…


Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen | mainstream media are not a mirror of reality

“The very first thing we have to understand is that the mainstream media are not a mirror of reality. Not even a distorted mirror of reality, but provide us with a reality that is constructed according to its very own points of view. Which is made to influence us in a certain way.” Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen „Wir müssen als aller erstes verstehen, dass die Leitmedien kein Spiegel der Wirklichkeit sind. Nicht mal ein verzerrter Spiegel der Wirklichkeit, sondern uns eine Realität liefern, die nach ganz eigenen Gesichtspunkten konstruiert wird….


Antoine Bechamp | The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient

“The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories. The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.” Montague R. Leverson London, 1911…


M.A.Verick | The most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction are the Mass Media

“The most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction are the Mass Media. For they destroy the people’s spirit, creativity and courage, replacing them by fear, mistrust, guilt and self-doubt.” M.A.Verick | (DAS MEDIEN MONOPOL – Gedankenkontrolle und Manipulationen) „Die gefährlichsten Massenvernichtungswaffen sind die Massenmedien. Denn sie zerstören den Geist, die Kreativität und den Mut der Menschen, und ersetzen diese mit Angst, Misstrauen, Schuld und Selbstzweifel.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


James Paul Warburg | We shall have world government

“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” James Paul Warburg (1868-1932), deutsch-amerikanischer Bankier, Architekt des Federal Reserve Systems „Wir werden eine Weltregierung haben, ob wir es wollen oder nicht. Die einzige Frage ist, ob die Weltregierung durch Eroberung oder durch die Zustimmung der Menschen erreicht werden wird.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


David Rockefelle | We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination…