
Pete Holmes | Some people think God created the universe

"Some people think God created the universe. Some people think nothing created the universe, which is the funniest guess and the nothing people make fun of the God people. They say, God doesn't exist. I'm like, okay, maybe. But you know what? Definitely doesn't exist. Nothing. That's the defining characteristic of nothing is that it doesn't exist. So what are we talking about? Either you think it's God, something you can't see, touch, taste, photograph, and science can't prove, or you think it's nothing, something you can't see. Touch, taste, photograph, and science can't prove. But I think we can all agree if nothing, if you are nothing, sometimes spontaneously erupts into everything. That's a pretty goddamn magical fucking nothing you guys and ask.

Ask the nothing people, what happens when you die? They'll tell you nothing. You go into nothing. I'm like, you mean you merge back with your creator? That's heaven, bitch."

Pete Holmes

Georg Schramm | deflate their speech bubbles

"Interest groups make the policy. They pull the strings on which political puppets hang, who are allowed to pretend democracy on the stage of the Berlin puppet show. These political figures are then allowed to deflate their speech bubbles in the public service institutions with the toilet ladies Christiansen and Illner. And if there is still some dribbling left after their intellectual urination, they can mingle with the people at the emotional piss trough on Beckmann and Kerner."

Georg Schramm