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Nicolás Gómez Dávila | In an age in which the media broadcast countless pieces of foolishness

“In an age in which the media broadcast countless pieces of foolishness, the educated man is defined not by what he knows, but by what he doesn’t know.” Nicolás Gómez Dávila “In einem Zeitalter, in dem die Medien unzählige Dummheiten verbreiten, wird der gebildete Mensch nicht durch das definiert, was er weiß, sondern durch das, was er nicht weiß.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Edward Bernays | If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” Edward Bernays “Wenn wir den Mechanismus und die Motive des Gruppendenkens verstehen, ist es jetzt möglich, die Massen nach unserem Willen zu kontrollieren und zu reglementieren, ohne dass sie es merken.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


James Paul Warburg | We shall have world government

“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” James Paul Warburg (1868-1932), deutsch-amerikanischer Bankier, Architekt des Federal Reserve Systems „Wir werden eine Weltregierung haben, ob wir es wollen oder nicht. Die einzige Frage ist, ob die Weltregierung durch Eroberung oder durch die Zustimmung der Menschen erreicht werden wird.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Edwin Grant Conklin | Dictators seek to control men’s thoughts

“Dictators seek to control men’s thoughts as well as their bodies and so they attempt to dictate science, education and religion. But dictated education is usually propaganda, dictated history is often mythology, dictated science is pseudo-science.” Edwin Grant Conklin | From Address as retiring president before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Indianapolis (27 Dec 1937). Published in ‘Science and Ethics’, Science (31 Dec 1937), 86, No. 2244, 601. “Diktatoren wollen die Gedanken der Menschen ebenso kontrollieren wie ihre Körper und versuchen daher, Wissenschaft, Bildung und Religion zu…


Tony Benn | I think there are two ways in which people are controlled

“I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all, frighten people, and secondly, demoralise them. [….]An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern. And I think there’s an element in the thinking of some people… ‘We don’t want people to be educated, healthy and confident, because they would get out of control.” Anthony „Tony“ Neil Wedgwood Benn | war ein britischer Politiker der Labour Party. Er gehörte dem House of Commons von 1950 bis 1960 an und erneut von 1963 bis 2000, also…


José Luis Sampedro | Public opinion is influenced by the media

“Public opinion is influenced by the media and the media are in the hands of those who rule and those who rule favor those who say what is convenient for them and erase everything that does not suit them. So public opinion is, above all, media opinion.” José Luis Sampedro spanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Humanist und Schriftsteller 1917 – 2013 „Die öffentliche Meinung wird von den Medien beeinflusst, und die Medien sind in der Hand der Regierenden und der Regierenden, die diejenigen bevorzugen, die sagen, was für sie geeignet ist, und alles…


Vince Ebert | They would become afraid of something else virtually overnight

“I’m pretty sure: if the climate change thing was miraculously solved, many Germans wouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief. They would become afraid of something else virtually overnight.” Vince Ebert “Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher: wenn die Sache mit dem Klimawandel auf wundersame Weise gelöst wäre, würden viele Deutsche nicht erleichtert aufatmen. Sie würden sich quasi über Nacht vor etwas anderem fürchten.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Max Goldt | This newspaper is an organ of infamy

“This newspaper is an organ of infamy. It is wrong to read it. Someone who contributes to this newspaper is absolutely unacceptable socially. It would be wrong to be friendly or even polite to one of its editors. One must be as unkind to them as the law will just allow. They are bad people who do wrong.” Max Goldt | a german writer, once wrote about the german tabloid „BILD“: “Die Bild-Zeitung ist ein Organ der Niedertracht. Es ist falsch, sie zu lesen. Jemand, der zu dieser Zeitung beiträgt,…


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | The most powerful figment of the imagination is public opinion

“The most powerful figment of the imagination is public opinion: no one knows exactly who makes it, no one has ever met it personally, but everyone lets themselves be tyrannized by it!” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “Das mächtigste Hirngespinst ist die öffentliche Meinung: Niemand weiß genau, wer sie macht, niemand hat sie je persönlich kennengelernt, aber alle lassen sich von ihr tyrannisieren!” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Prof. Dr. Knut Löschke | how natural science is turned into a whore of politics

“I’m fed up, or to put it even more clearly: I’m fed up with the permanent and increasingly religious climate gibberish, with energy turnaround fantasies, with electric car worship, with scary stories about doomsday scenarios from Corona to conflagrations to weather catastrophes. I can no longer stand the people who shout this into microphones and cameras every day or print it in newspapers. I suffer from having to witness how natural science is turned into a whore of politics. I am tired of being told what to be ashamed of…


Prof. Reiner Mausfeld | A ‘war against X’ decreed from above

“A ‘war against X’ decreed from above – be it against ‘terror’ or against a pandemic – is never about what is declared to be fought. All that is sold here as a war against a threat must not be successful at all, because its success for the economic and political centers of power lies precisely in not being successful and in remaining as a means of generating fear and securing domination.” Prof. Reiner Mausfeld “Bei einem von oben verordnetem ‚Krieg gegen X‘ – sei es gegen den ‚Terror‘ oder…


Leonard E. Feeney | Having a television in your home

“Having a television in your home is like having a Jew in your living room.” Fr. Leonard E. Feeney (Jesuit) from “The Point” magazine, 1957. “Einen Fernseher zu Hause zu haben, ist wie einen Juden im Wohnzimmer zu haben.” Leonard E. Feeney (Jesuit) aus der Zeitschrift „The Point“, 1957 Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Dr. Markus Krall | After 3 years of propaganda is apparent

“After 3 years of propaganda is apparent: – Covid was just flu – The mortality figures were fake – Masks were useless – Vaccination was useless and harmful – School closures were useless – The high priests of the Covid cult are corrupt profiteers What now?” Dr. Markus Krall “Nach 3 Jahren Propaganda ist offenbar: – Covid war nur eine Grippe – Die Sterblichkeitszahlen waren Fake – Masken waren nutzlos – Die Impfung war nutzlos und schädlich – Schulschließungen waren nutzlos – Die Hohepriester des Covid-Kults sind korrupte Geschäftemacher Was…


Dr. Jörn Berninger | politically or medially predetermined thought prison

“There are always events that are played up in the media and lead to more and more people subscribing to the opinion given from the outside. This in turn leads them to build up beliefs that become a thought prison. If one is stuck in such a politically or medially predetermined thought prison, one begins to identify with it and hardly finds a way out. You have to look for a loophole to break out of this thought prison.” Dr. Jörn Berninger “Es gibt immer wieder Ereignisse, die in den…


Robbie Williams | We’re in a post-truth world

“We’re in a post-truth world where you can’t believe the media, you can’t believe Big Pharma, you can’t believe politicians, you can’t believe what you’re eating, you can’t believe yourself. Since we’ve existed, (if) there is a time where this whole empire could fall, it’s now. Of course these things are going to arise because we can’t trust anybody or anything. And I personally just believe and invest in my wife and my kids and my family. And yeah, I believe in them,” Robbie Williams “Wir leben in einer postfaktischen…


Hanns Joachim Friedrichs | You can tell a good journalist

“You can tell a good journalist by the fact that he doesn’t get mean about a cause, even a good cause.” Hanns Joachim Friedrichs | German journalist “Einen guten Journalisten erkennt man daran, dass er sich nicht gemein macht mit einer Sache, auch nicht mit einer guten Sache.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Christine Prayon | Welke & Co. made “atmosphere against those who think differently”

“I have become increasingly uncomfortable with the way the major socially defining issues have been handled since Corona. I’ve also talked to the people in charge there and emphasized that I don’t want to participate in exposing dissenters to ridicule. Satire must not participate in narrowing the discourse. And now this is exactly what is happening again with the war in Ukraine. Narratives and positions of groups that are high up in the social hierarchy are being repeated incessantly, and at the same time the mood is being set against…


Hermann Rotermund | short devotional in a living room chapel

“The tone is gently authoritarian, leaving no doubt that this is the way the world is and no other way [….]Proclaimers of unassailable truths [….] The broadcast gives the impression of a short devotional in a living room chapel.” Hermann Rotermund | Media scientist (via the ARD Tagesschau) „Der Tonfall ist sanft-autoritär und lässt keinen Zweifel darüber zu, dass es so und nicht anders in der Welt zugeht [….]Verkünder unangreifbarer Wahrheiten [….] Die Sendung vermittelt den Eindruck einer Kurzandacht in der Wohnzimmerkapelle.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Sergei Petrowitsch Kapiza | state of deep hypnosis

“Society sees nothing because it is kept in a state of deep hypnosis. People have never been so manipulated as they are now. A human being is not given a chance to stop and understand what is happening. Endless series, one more stupid than the other, vulgar pop music, lustful or aggressive films that gently affect the subconscious, cultivate a spirit of selfishness and violence. A normal person quickly becomes an unprincipled animal that leads an absolutely meaningless life.” Sergei Petrowitsch Kapiza, Russian physicist “Die Gesellschaft sieht nichts, weil sie…


Vladimir Lenin | Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed?

“Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?” Vladimir Lenin “Warum sollte die Rede- und Pressefreiheit erlaubt sein? Warum sollte eine Regierung, die tut, was sie für richtig hält, zulassen, dass sie kritisiert…


Baron Arthur Ponsonby | 10 principles of war propaganda

10 principles of war propaganda We didn’t want this war. The enemy is responsible for this war. The enemy’s leader is the devil. We’re fighting for a good cause. The enemy is using forbidden weapons. Horrible acts committed by the enemy are intentional; ours are accidental. Our casualties are minor; those of the enemy are significant. Artists and intellectuals support our cause. Our cause is holy/righteous. If you question (1)-(9), you are a traitor. Baron Arthur Ponsonby Wir wollen den Krieg nicht Das gegnerische Lager trägt die Verantwortung Der Führer…


Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen | mainstream media are not a mirror of reality

“The very first thing we have to understand is that the mainstream media are not a mirror of reality. Not even a distorted mirror of reality, but provide us with a reality that is constructed according to its very own points of view. Which is made to influence us in a certain way.” Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen „Wir müssen als aller erstes verstehen, dass die Leitmedien kein Spiegel der Wirklichkeit sind. Nicht mal ein verzerrter Spiegel der Wirklichkeit, sondern uns eine Realität liefern, die nach ganz eigenen Gesichtspunkten konstruiert wird….


Dave Smith | basic human liberties

“If you believe that the most basic human liberties ought to be contingent on taking a product from a giant pharmaceutical company then you are not liberal or left wing. You’re not a conservative or patriotic. There is only one word to describe you and that is Fascist.” Dave Smith “Wenn Sie glauben, dass die grundlegendsten menschlichen Freiheiten von der Einnahme eines Produkts eines riesigen Pharmakonzerns abhängig gemacht werden sollten, dann sind Sie nicht liberal oder links. Sie sind weder konservativ noch patriotisch. Es gibt nur ein Wort, um Sie…


Edward Osborne Wilson | We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom

“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.” Edward Osborne Wilson “Wir ertrinken in Informationen, während wir nach Weisheit hungern. Die Welt wird in Zukunft von Synthesizern regiert werden, von Menschen, die in der Lage sind, die richtigen Informationen zur richtigen Zeit zusammenzustellen, kritisch darüber nachzudenken und wichtige Entscheidungen mit Bedacht zu treffen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…