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Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen | mainstream media are not a mirror of reality

“The very first thing we have to understand is that the mainstream media are not a mirror of reality. Not even a distorted mirror of reality, but provide us with a reality that is constructed according to its very own points of view. Which is made to influence us in a certain way.” Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen „Wir müssen als aller erstes verstehen, dass die Leitmedien kein Spiegel der Wirklichkeit sind. Nicht mal ein verzerrter Spiegel der Wirklichkeit, sondern uns eine Realität liefern, die nach ganz eigenen Gesichtspunkten konstruiert wird….


Antoine Bechamp | The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient

“The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories. The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.” Montague R. Leverson London, 1911…


Alexander Solschenizyn | A Marxist system is recognized by the fact

“A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalizes political opponents.” Alexander Solschenizyn war ein russischer Schriftsteller und Systemkritiker. Er wurde 1970 mit dem Nobelpreis für Literatur ausgezeichnet. Sein literarisches Hauptwerk Der Archipel Gulag beschreibt detailliert die Verbrechen des stalinistischen Regimes „Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.“ Variante: „Ein totalitäres System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Mahatma Gandhi | who dare to question authority

“The world cannot be improved if everyone blindly follows the majority. It needs people who have the courage to question the seemingly irrefutable, who dare to question authority and use their own minds.” Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) | Indischer Pazifist und Anführer der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung “Die Welt lässt sich nicht verbessern, wenn alle blind der Mehrheit folgen. Es braucht Menschen, die den Mut haben scheinbar Unumstössliches infrage zu stellen, die sich trauen, Autoritäten anzuzweifeln und ihren eigenen Verstand zu gebrauchen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Dr. Tim O’Shea | The shackles of mental control

“The shackles of mental control, perceptual filtering and cultural conditioning are harder to throw off today than ever before. We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever seen. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our entire consciousness seems to be subtly and relentlessly erased. The doors of our perception are carefully and precisely controlled. It is an exhaustive and endless task to constantly explain to people how most things of their everyday wisdom are scientifically planted in the public consciousness via…


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Nothing is more disgusting than the majority

“Nothing is more disgusting than the majority: because it consists of a few powerful predecessors, of rogues who adapt themselves, of weak who assimilate themselves, and the masses who imitate without knowing at all what they want.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe „Nichts ist widerwärtiger als die Majorität; denn sie besteht aus wenigen kräftigen Vorgängern, aus Schelmen, die sich akkommodieren, aus Schwachen, die sich assimilieren, und der Masse, die nachtrollt, ohne nur im mindesten zu wissen, was sie will.“ Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Larken Rose | In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion

“In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion, made up of a set of dogmatic teachings, irrational doctrines which fly in the face of both evidence and logic, and which are methodically memorized and repeated by the faithful. Like other religions, the gospel of “government” describes a superhuman, supernatural entity, above mere mortals, which issues commandments to the peasantry, for whom unquestioning obedience is a moral imperative.” Larken Rose (Der gefährlichste Aberglaube | The Most Dangerous Superstition ) “Der religiöse Glaube an die Autorität zielt deshalb auf die Versklavung…


Albert Schweitzer | I am a free man

“Under no circumstances do I want to be merely a ′common′ man. I have the right to be exceptional – if I can. I want opportunities, not security. I do not want to be a citizen who is humiliated and dulled by government support. I want to encounter risk, have desires and fulfill them, suffer disaster and enjoy success. I refuse to sell my own determination for a pittance. I would prefer to face life’s difficulties rather than lead a secure existence. I prefer the exciting tension of my own…


José Luis Sampedro | Public opinion is influenced by the media

“Public opinion is influenced by the media and the media are in the hands of those who rule and those who rule favor those who say what is convenient for them and erase everything that does not suit them. So public opinion is, above all, media opinion.” José Luis Sampedro spanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Humanist und Schriftsteller 1917 – 2013 „Die öffentliche Meinung wird von den Medien beeinflusst, und die Medien sind in der Hand der Regierenden und der Regierenden, die diejenigen bevorzugen, die sagen, was für sie geeignet ist, und alles…


Michael Crichton | You don’t play ball with the power structure

“…Whoever has the power in society determines what can be studied, determines what can be observed, determines what can be thought. Scientists fall in line with the dominant power structure. They have to, because the power structure pays the bills. You don’t play ball with the power structure, you don’t get money for research, you don’t get an appointment, you don’t get published, in short you don’t count anymore. You’re out. You might as well be dead.” Michael Crichton „…Wer die Macht in der Gesellschaft hat, bestimmt, was studiert werden…


John Kozy | As such, they exist merely to sell snake oil

“America’s journalists are not ‘newshounds’. They are nothing more than salesclerks, hocking the products their employers want to sell. The pretty faces that now function as most television news anchors are no different than the pretty models used to sell other products. The American “free” press is comprised of nothing more than a number of retail outlets which sell stories slanted to please their target audiences. As such, they exist merely to sell snake oil.” John Kozy “Amerikas Journalisten sind keine ‘Nachrichtenjäger’. Sie sind nichts anderes als Verkäufer, die die…