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J.F.C. Fuller | into the invisible hands of a plutocracy

“The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semioccult power which….pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I.” J.F.C. Fuller (l941 | John Frederick Charles Fuller CB, CBE, DSO war ein britischer Generalmajor, Militärhistoriker und Stratege.) “Die Regierung der westlichen Nationen, ob monarchisch oder republikanisch, war in die unsichtbaren Hände einer Plutokratie übergegangen, mit internationaler Macht und Einflussnahme. Ich wage zu…


Caroll Quigley | people can throw the rascals out at any election

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but…


Woodrow Wilson | Some of the biggest men…are afraid of something

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson (Die neue Freiheit) “Seit ich in die Politik eingetreten bin, habe ich die Ansichten der Menschen vor allem im…


Richard N. Gardner | The New World Order will be created

“The New World Order will be created and ultimately put an end to all national sovereignty. But an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.” Richard N. Gardner, im CFR-Magazin Foreign Affairs (April 1974) p.558 “Die Neue Weltordnung wird geschaffen werden und letztendlich aller nationalen Souveränität ein Ende bereiten. Das Untergraben der nationalen Souveränität, Stück für Stück, wird erfolgreicher sein, als ein altmodischer Frontalangriff.” Zitat Nützliche und hilfreiche Links “If instant world government, Charter review, and a greatly…


Comte de Virieu | The conspiracy which is being woven

An understanding was reached with the Masons at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad on December 20, 1781 to add the Illuminati hierarchy to the first three degrees of Masonry. On returning home, Comte de Virieu, a Mason from the Martiniste lodge at Lyons, reported: “I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape it.” Comte de Virieu (Freimaurer aus der…


Adam Weishaupt | The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment (illuminati)

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more…


H.G. Wells | Countless people [….] will hate the new world order

“Countless people, from maharajas to millionaires and from pukha sahibs to pretty ladies, will hate the new world order, be rendered unhappy by the frustration of their passions and ambitions through its advent and will die protesting against it.” Herbert George Wells (H.G. Wells – The New World Order (1940) p. 127 “Zahllose Menschen […] werden die Neue Weltordnung hassen […] und bei dem Versuch sterben, gegen sie zu protestieren.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Myron Coureval Fagan | Divide and Rule (Illuminati)

“The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [Marxism/fascism/socialism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.” Myron Coureval Fagan “Die Idee war, dass diejenigen, die die Gesamtverschwörung leiten, die Unterschiede zwischen diesen beiden so genannten Ideologien [Marxismus/Faschismus/Sozialismus vs. Demokratie/Kapitalismus] nutzen könnten, um sie [die Illuminaten] in die Lage zu versetzen, immer…


Benjamin Disraeli | secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents

“The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans.” Benjamin Disraeli “Die Regierungen von heute haben es nicht nur mit anderen Regierungen, mit Kaisern, Königen und Ministern zu tun, sondern auch mit den Geheimgesellschaften, die überall ihre skrupellosen Agenten haben und im letzten Moment alle Pläne der Regierungen durchkreuzen können.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Ayn Rand | you may know that your society is doomed

“Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion- When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing- when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors- when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you- when you see corruption being rewarded…


Carl Gustav Jung | confrontation with the world of darkness

“Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The later procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” Carl Gustav Jung “Das Füllen des Bewusstseins mit idealen Vorstellungen ist ein Merkmal der westlichen Theosophie, nicht aber die Konfrontation mit dem Schatten und der Welt der Finsternis. Man wird nicht erleuchtet, indem man sich Lichtgestalten vorstellt, sondern indem…


Ernst Jünger | The most horrifying prospect is that of technocracy

“The most horrifying prospect is that of technocracy, controlled rule exercised by maimed and mutilating minds.” Ernst Jünger “Die grauenvollste Aussicht ist die der Technokratie, einer kontrollierten Herrschaft, die durch verstümmelte und verstümmelnde Geister ausgeübt wird.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Hans Hermann Hoppe | the greatest threat to human security

“The recently ended twentieth century was characterized by a level of human rights violations unparalleled in all of human history. In his book Death by Government, Rudolph Rummel estimates some 170 million government-caused deaths in the twentieth century. The historical evidence appears to indicate that, rather than protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of their citizens, governments must be considered the greatest threat to human security.” Prof. Hans Hermann Hoppe (Myth of National Defense) “Das gerade zu Ende gegangene zwanzigste Jahrhundert war durch ein Ausmaß an Menschenrechtsverletzungen gekennzeichnet,…


Hans Hermann Hoppe | Democracy is a soft variant of communism

“Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.” Prof. Hans Hermann Hoppe (“Reflections on State and War”. Talk in Auburn, Alabama, on the occasion of receiving the Mises Institute’s 2006 Gary G. Schlarbaum Liberty Prize, December 02, 2006.) “Demokratie hat nichts mit Freiheit zu tun. Demokratie ist eine weiche Variante des Kommunismus, und selten in der Geschichte der Ideen ist sie für etwas anderes gehalten worden.” Nützliche und hilfreiche…


Roland Baader | The only true human right

“The only true human right is the right to be left alone – by anyone you didn’t invite or welcome” Roland Baader “Das einzig wahre Menschenrecht ist das Recht, in Ruhe gelassen zu werden – von jedem, den man nicht eingeladen hat oder den man nicht willkommen heißt.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


The Libertarian Pilot | rules of state power

“We were raised by people who dutifully follow the rules of state power. We were brought up to follow the rules & not question the state. But now malicious people make the rules. It’s time to teach our children something different.” The Libertarian Pilot “Wir wurden von Menschen erzogen, die brav die Regeln der Staatsmacht befolgen. Wir wurden dazu erzogen, die Regeln zu befolgen & den Staat nicht zu hinterfragen. Doch jetzt machen bösartige Menschen die Regeln. Es ist an der Zeit, unseren Kindern etwas anderes beizubringen.” Nützliche und hilfreiche…


Joost A.M. Meerloo | democratic or totalitarian

“In my own experience, I have been amazed to see how unrealistic are the bases for political opinion in general. Only rarely have I found a person who has chosen any particular political party – democratic or totalitarian – through study and comparison of principles.” Joost A.M. Meerloo “In meiner eigenen Erfahrung habe ich mit Erstaunen festgestellt, wie unrealistisch die Grundlagen der politischen Meinung im Allgemeinen sind. Nur selten habe ich eine Person gefunden, die eine bestimmte politische Partei – demokratisch oder totalitär – durch Studium und Vergleich von Prinzipien…


Bertolt Brecht | And they were sawing off the branches

“And they were sawing off the branches on which they were sitting. While shouting across their experiences to one another on how to saw more efficiently. And they went crashing down into the deep. And those who watched them shook their heads and continued sawing vigorously” Bertolt Brecht “Und sie sägten an den Ästen, auf denen sie saßen, und schrien sich ihre Erfahrungen zu, wie man besser sägen könne. Und fuhren mit Krachen in die Tiefe. Und die ihnen zusahen beim Sägen, schüttelten die Köpfe und sägten kräftig weiter.” Nützliche…


John Adams | Fear is the foundation of most governments

“Fear is the foundation of most governments; but it is so sordid and brutal a passion, and renders men in whose breasts it predominates so stupid and miserable, that Americans will not be likely to approve of any political institution which is founded on it.” John Adams “Angst ist die Grundlage der meisten Regierungen; aber sie ist eine so schmutzige und brutale Leidenschaft und macht die Menschen, in deren Brust sie vorherrscht, so dumm und unglücklich, dass die Amerikaner wahrscheinlich keine politische Institution gutheißen werden, die auf ihr beruht.” Nützliche…


Hans-Hermann Hoppe | What is true, just, and beautiful

“What is true, just, and beautiful is not determined by popular vote. The masses everywhere are ignorant, short-sighted, motivated by envy, and easy to fool. Democratic politicians must appeal to these masses in order to be elected. Whoever is the best demagogue will win. Almost by necessity, then, democracy will lead to the perversion of truth, justice and beauty.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe “Was wahr, gerecht und schön ist, wird nicht durch Volksabstimmungen bestimmt. Die Massen sind überall unwissend, kurzsichtig, von Neid getrieben und leicht zu täuschen. Demokratische Politiker müssen an diese…


Prince | We’re all indentured servants

“The other thing is the first line of the song says I was born on the same plantation in the United States of the red, white and blue, and we live in a place now that feels just about like a plantation. We’re all indentured servants. When I found out there were eight presidents before George Washington, I wanted to smack somebody. I wanted to know why I was taught otherwise. Just tell me the whole story – I’ll fill in the blanks. But don’t tell me something that you…


Napoleon Bonaparte | There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people

“There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people than the Germans. No lie can be conceived treacherous enough, the Germans believe it. They follow a slogan which was given to them, to act against their own countrymen, rather than the real enemies of their country.” Napoleon Bonaparte (Zitat wird angezweifelt) “Es gibt kein gutmütigeres, aber auch kein leichtgläubigeres Volk als das deutsche. Zwiespalt brauchte ich unter ihnen nie zu säen. Ich brauchte nur meine Netze auszuspannen, dann liefen sie wie ein scheues Wild hinein. Untereinander haben sie…


Jean-Claude Juncker | step by step until there is no turning back

“We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.” Jean-Claude Juncker “Wir beschließen etwas, stellen das dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, was passiert. Wenn es dann kein großes Geschrei gibt und keine Aufstände, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter – Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein…


Hannah Arendt | The real goal of totalitarian ideology

“The real goal of totalitarian ideology is not the transformation of the external conditions of human existence and not the revolutionary reorganization of the social order, but the transformation of human nature itself, which, as it is, constantly opposes the totalitarian process. … What is at stake in total domination is really the essence of man.” Hannah Arendt “Das eigentliche Ziel totalitärer Ideologie ist nicht die Umformung der äußeren Bedingungen menschlicher Existenz und nicht die revolutionäre Neuordnung der gesellschaftlichen Ordnung, sondern die Transformation der menschlichen Natur selbst, die, so wie…


Gustave de Molinari | Anarchy is no guarantee

“Anarchy is no guarantee that some people won’t kill, injure, kidnap, defraud, or steal from others. Government is a guarantee that some will.” Gustave de Molinari “Anarchie ist keine Garantie dafür, dass nicht einige Menschen andere töten, verletzen, entführen, betrügen oder bestehlen werden. Eine Regierung ist eine Garantie dafür, dass einige es tun.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Noam Chomsky | Voting is not an option

“It’s about what you would expect from a bipartisan democracy campaign — it’s an attempt to impose what is called democracy, meaning rule by the rich and the powerful, without interference by the mob but within the framework of formal electoral procedures.” Noam Chomsky in 1993 regarding NED: Voting is not an option “Es ist in etwa, was man von einem zweiparteilichen demokratischen Wahlkampf erwartet – es ist ein Versuch, das aufzuzwingen, was formell Demokratie genannt wird, d.h. Herrschaft durch die Reichen und Mächtigen, ohne eigentliche Einflussnahme durch die breite…