
Benjamin Disraeli | secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents

"The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans."

Benjamin Disraeli

Richard N. Gardner | The New World Order will be created

"The New World Order will be created and ultimately put an end to all national sovereignty. But an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."

Richard N. Gardner

Larry P. McDonald | böser Plan für eine Weltregierung

"Der Antrieb der Rockefellers und ihrer Verbündeten besteht darin, eine Ein-Welt-Regierung zu schaffen, die Superkapitalismus und Kommunismus unter einem Zelt vereint, alle unter ihrer Kontrolle... meine ich Verschwörung?Ja, ich will.Ich bin überzeugt, dass es eine solche Verschwörung gibt, die international ist, Generationen alt in der Planung und unglaublich böse in der Absicht."

Larry P. McDonald

Jürgen Trittin | which attacks are the responsibility of terrorists and which are the responsibility of the state

"It may be that the history of terrorism needs to be rewritten. It is no longer known which attacks are the responsibility of terrorists and which are the responsibility of the state."

Jürgen Trittin

Leo Tolstoy | Governments not only are not necessary

"Governments not only are not necessary, but are harmful and most highly immoral institutions."

Leo Tolstoy

Bertrand Russell | system of deception

"Educational systems have been developed not to impart genuine knowledge but to make the people docile to the will of the rulers. Without a sophisticated system of deception in schools, it would be impossible to maintain the appearance of democracy. It is not desired that ordinary citizens think for themselves. Because it is believed that people who think for themselves are difficult to handle. Only the elites are supposed to think. The rest are supposed to obey and follow their leaders, like a herd of mutton. This doctrine has corrupted all state education systems from the ground up, even in democracies."

Bertrand Russell

Hans Herbert von Arnim | legitimizing power despite its democratic shortcomings

"The political class is supported by the many-thousand-voiced chorus of those who are committed to it by the already accomplished or still hoped-for awarding of offices and dignities. The proof of deficiencies is made difficult at the outset by the fact that there is an abundance of thought patterns (paradigms), formulas and theories that support the basic ideological thesis of the quasi-automatic functioning of the system. They seek to close the gap between norm and reality not by improving reality, but by interpreting the norm laxly or by obfuscating reality. Serving the cause of legitimizing power despite its democratic shortcomings: scientific paradigms, political formulas, scientific theories, prohibitions of thought and language (= "political correctness"), stagings of reality and the so-called political education (...) If one does not let oneself be blinded by the blinkered paradigms and political formulas saber and does not let the way to knowledge be shifted by glossing over theories, then one recognizes that the two basic principles of our form of government, public welfare and democracy, are realized by the existing system only to a very limited extent."

Hans Herbert von Arnim

George Bernard Shaw | The politician who once had to learn to flatter Kings

"The politician who once had to learn to flatter Kings has now to learn how to fascinate, amuse, coax, humbug, frighten, or otherwise strike the fancy of the electorate."

George Bernard Shaw

Rudolf Augstein | It does not really matter

"It does not really matter whether democracy functions according to it's original idea but rather that it is seen as functional by the population."

Rudolf Augstein

José Ortega y Gasset | Universal suffrage

"Universal suffrage did not give the masses the right to decide, but to approve the decision of one elite or another."

José Ortega y Gasset

Rudolf Steiner | to an intolerable tyranny

"What would be in store for mankind, for example, if one wanted to take advantage of the fear of bacilli and create regulations of a legal nature against the fight against bacilli. ( ) It is impossible to control all this, but it would lead to impossible conditions, to an intolerable tyranny."

Rudolf Steiner

Noam Chomsky | The general population doesn’t know

"The general population doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know."

Noam Chomsky

James Dresden | Die ideale Tyrannei

"Die ideale Tyrannei ist die, die ignorant von seinen Opfern selbstverwaltet wird. Die perfektesten Sklaven sind deshalb die, die sich glückselig und unbewusst versklaven lassen."

James Dresden

Jack Posobiec | homogenized consumer class of worker drones

"You're going to be a homogenized consumer class of worker drones in order for them to establish Elysium, and this is also where ... the metaverse comes in. Transhumanism, this is your bread and circuses now. It's virtual bread and circuses to distract you from the suffering that goes on all around you."

Jack Posobiec

Carl Sagan on the importance of science education

"We've arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science technology. And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces. Who is running the science and technology in a democracy if the people don't know anything about it? ... Science is more than a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking. A way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we're up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along."

Carl Sagan

Aldous Huxley | The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy

"The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not dream of escape. A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude."

Aldous Huxley

George Orwell | To keep them in control was not difficult

"Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult."

George Orwell, 1984

Vilfredo Pareto | All governments use force

"All governments use force and all assert that they are founded on reason. In fact, whether universal suffrage prevails or not, it is always an oligarchy that governs, finding ways to give to'the will of the people'the expression which the few desire."

Vilfredo Pareto

Marshall McLuhan | manage the public’s perception of a subject

"Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public's perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment."

Marshall McLuhan

Hannah Arendt | those who choose the lesser evil

"In their moral justification, the argument of the lesser evil has played a prominent role. If you are confronted with two evils, the argument runs, it is your duty to opt for the lesser one, whereas it is irresponsible to refuse to choose altogether. Its weakness has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget quickly that they chose evil.[....] Acceptance of the lesser evil is deliberately used to accustom officials, as well as the population at large, to accept the evil itself."

Hannah Arendt

Albert Pike | We always give the public their heroes

"We always give the public their heroes. We give the heroes to every faction, and then people once they hear this person say all the right things, we give releases to them because he or she speaks for ‘me’. We say go there go do that and they do it. We give our power to the authorized heroes."

Albert Pike

Jessica Hamed | no longer be able to trust Germany’s highest

"One of the most significant moments for me in my professional career, apart from being sworn in as an attorney, was signing my first - also successful - constitutional complaint. It pains me to no longer be able to trust Germany's highest court in a fundamental way."

Jessica Hamed

Gib ihnen am Morgen eine Lügenzeitung

"Give them a lying newspaper in the morning, let them work a lot during the day for little money and bring the latest manipulated news on TV in the evening, alternating with dumbed-down shows, movies and commercials. Thus they have no more time to think consciously."

Autor Unbekannt

Aldous Huxley | Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control

"Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses."

Aldous Huxley

Milton Friedman | Every friend of freedom

"Every friend of freedom must be as revolted as I am by the prospect of turning the United States into an armed camp, by the vision of jails filled with casual drug users and of an army of enforcers empowered to invade the liberty of citizens on slight evidence."

Milton Friedman

Vladimir Lenin | While the State exists, there can be no freedom

"While the State exists, there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there will be no State."

Vladimir Lenin

Steve Jacobson | Political and economic power

"Political and economic power in the United States is concentrated in the hands of a “ruling elite” that controls most of U.S.-based multinational corporations, major communication media, the most influential foundations, major private universities and most public utilities. Founded in 1921, the Council of Foreign Relations is the key link between the large corporations and the federal government. It has been called a “school for statesmen” and “comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes. The creation of the United Nations was a Council project, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank."

Steve Jacobson

Walter Lippmann | The process by which public opinions arise

"That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach."

Walter Lippmann