
Aldous Huxley | The victim of mind-manipulation

"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective."

Aldous Huxley

Edward L. Bernays | Mindless Conformity

"Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitudes of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamps are the duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. It may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion. The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of an organized effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine."

Edward L. Bernays

The combination of the silence of the masses and the sometimes overwhelming volume

"The combination of the silence of the masses and the sometimes overwhelming volume of this greatest global crime of all time in my mind is, in its relentless daily presence, the most eerie and surreal feeling I have ever experienced."


Voltaire | It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere

"It is hard to free fools from the chains they revere."


George Orwell | abolition of private property

"After the revolutionary period of the fifties and sixties, society regrouped itself, as always, into High, Middle, and Low. But the new High group, unlike all its forerunners, did not act upon instinct but knew what was needed to safeguard its position. It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism. Wealth and privilege are most easily defended when they are possessed jointly. The so-called ’abolition of private property’ which took place in the middle years of the century meant, in effect, the concentration of property in far fewer hands than before: but with this difference, that the new owners were a group instead of a mass of individuals. Individually, no member of the Party owns anything, except petty personal belongings. Collectively, the Party owns everything in Oceania, because it controls everything, and disposes of the products as it thinks fit."

George Orwell | 1984

Roland Baader | It is … a naivety that cannot be excused by anything to believe

"It is ... a naivety that cannot be excused by anything to believe that a state can be total in the economic sphere without being so at the same time in the political and spiritual sphere ...." ... Democracy and socialism are not a tautology (à la Oskar),but radical, mutually exclusive opposites. Democracy is a method of limiting and controlling power. Socialism, on the other hand, always denies the individual freedom of choice of individuals over their economic preferences and life goals (supposedly in favor of the general public, the collective); thus socialism always assigns sovereignty over the decisive existential forces and life motivations to the state or a party or political cliques, and thus socialism is never a system or method for limiting power, but always and everywhere pseudo-moral justification for patronizing life, carte blanche for cynically moralizing unrestrained power."

Roland Baader

Aldous Huxley | A really efficient totalitarian state

"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude."

Aldous Huxley | Schöne neue Welt

Theodore J. Kaczynski | These engineered human

"These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they most certainly will not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals."

Theodore J. Kaczynski

Albert Jay Nock | The State, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social

"The State, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the State may provisionally grant him. It has always made justice costly and difficult of access, and has invariably held itself above justice and common morality whenever it could advantage itself by so doing."

Albert Jay Nock

Friedrich Nietzsche | We live in a system

"We live in a system in which one must either be a wheel or get crushed by the wheels."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Clarence Darrow | You can only be free if I am free

"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free.

Clarence Darrow

Maximilien de Robespierre | The secret of liberty

"The secret of liberty is to enlighten men, as that of tyranny is to keep them in ignorance."

Maximilien de Robespierre

Curt Goetz | surrounded mostly by idiots

"If you don't realize at a certain age that you are surrounded mostly by idiots, you don't realize it for a certain reason."

Curt Goetz

George Bernard Shaw | All great truths begin as blasphemies.

"All great truths begin as blasphemies."

George Bernard Shaw

Joost A.M. Meerloo | Ready made opinions

"Ready made opinions can be distributed day by day through the press, radio, and so on, again and again, till they reach the nerve cell and implant a fixed pattern in the brain. Consequently, guided public opinion is the result, according to Pavlovian theoreticians, of good propaganda technique, and the polls [are] a verification of the temporary successful action of the Pavlovian machinations on the mind."

Joost A.M. Meerloo

Manly P. Hall | when the state governs, he is ruled by fear.

"When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illuminated faith, and fear into love."

Manly P. Hall

Jordan Maxwell | Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does

"Nothing in this world operates the way you think it does. Banks do not loan money, governments are not empowered to protect you, the police department is not there to serve you, institutions of higher learning, colleges and educational institutes, are not there to educate you. The entire superstructure of civilization in the Western world is a combination of brilliantly put together and planned, well-planned, schemes to direct the minds of the people in such a way as to serve their masters."

Jordan Maxwell

Just.A.Thought | People are addicted to mass hysteria

"People are addicted to mass hysteria because it’s a way for them to funnel their very real anxieties, fears, sadness and neurotic behaviors into something relatable to other people. It doesn’t feel so lonely if everyone collectively loses their grip on reality together."


Jonathan Swift | When a great genius appears in the world

"When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign: that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

Jonathan Swift (1667 – 1745) irischer Schriftsteller

"Das Auftauchen eines wahrhaft genialen Geistes können Sie untrüglich daran erkennen, dass sich sofort alle Nieten gegen ihn verbünden."

George Farquhar | Those who know the least obey the best

"Those who know the least obey the best."

George Farquhar

Norbert W. Bolz | All the notable experts

"All the notable experts support government policy because you only become a notable expert if you support government policy."

Norbert W. Bolz

MOYO-Film | because it strives to break out of this cognitive cage

"Activating collective consciousness is probably one of the most difficult tasks to attempt because people are largely unaware of the extent to which their thinking is governed by tacit rules and predetermined as given, assumed notions that, because they appear as self-evident truth, render ideology invisible. Truly unrestricted intellectual debate feels threatening because it strives to break out of this cognitive cage. Worse, this cage is so insidious that it influences even those who are already outside the mainstream."


Roland Baader | Laws are – even and especially in modern democracy

"Laws are - even and especially in modern democracy - rarely instruments that enforce right against wrong, but mostly political tools with which the politically weak are exploited, robbed, suppressed and instrumentalized in favor of the politically strong."

Roland Baader

Anatoliy Golitsyn | Believers think ideology is dying or already dead

"Believers think ideology is dying or already dead and that Gorbachev has abandoned the class struggle and taken the 'capitalist road'. They do not realise that 'perestroika' is an expression of ideological strategy and a practical means of reviving ideology. It is not the abandonment of class struggle but a finesse to secure the defeat of the capitalist democracies by the use of capitalist weapons. The class struggle will yet have its bloody feasts. The Western elite believe they are helping the cause of democracy. In fact they are financing their own demise and digging their own graves. The tragedy is that they will probably not see it until it is too late."

Anatoliy Golitsyn

Ernest Holmes | Practically the whole human race is hypnotized

"Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think."

Ernest Holmes

Eustace Clarence Mullins | Monopoly Capitalism, Zionism, Communism, Nazism & Fascism

"Monopoly Capitalism, Zionism, Communism, Nazism & Fascism: ALL came out of the Rothschild Offices in Frankfurt, Germany."

Eustace Clarence Mullins

Howard Zinn | war, genocide, and slavery – have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience

"Historically, the most terrible things - war, genocide, and slavery - have resulted not from disobedience, but from obedience."

Howard Zinn

G. Edward Griffin | For if you give the state, the authority to grant you your rights

"For if you give the state, the authority to grant you your rights....in that same breath, you have just given them the authority to also take them away"

G. Edward Griffin

Matthias Lubos | Democracy is the method of implementing the will of the financial aristocracy

"Democracy is the method of implementing the will of the financial aristocracy in such a way that the people believe that humanity wanted it that way."

Matthias Lubos

Murray Rothbard | Limit yourself

"The man who puts all the guns and all the decision-making power into the hands of the central government and then says, ‘Limit yourself’; it is he who is truly the impractical utopian."

Murray Rothbard