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“Society sees nothing because it is kept in a state of deep hypnosis. People have never been so manipulated as they are now. A human being is not given a chance to stop and understand what is happening. Endless series, one more stupid than the other, vulgar pop music, lustful or aggressive films that gently affect the subconscious, cultivate a spirit of selfishness and violence. A normal person quickly becomes an unprincipled animal that leads an absolutely meaningless life.”

Sergei Petrowitsch Kapiza, Russian physicist

"Die Gesellschaft sieht nichts, weil sie in einem Zustand tiefer Hypnose gehalten wird. Noch nie wurden Menschen so manipuliert wie jetzt. Einem Menschen wird keine Chance gegeben, innezuhalten und zu begreifen, was passiert. Endlose Serien, eine dümmer als die andere, vulgäre Popmusik, lustvolle oder aggressive Filme, die sanft auf das Unterbewusstsein einwirken, pflegen einen Geist des Egoismus und der Gewalt. Ein normaler Mensch wird in kurzer Zeit zu einem prinziplosen Tier, das ein absolut bedeutungsloses Leben führt. "

"Общество ничего не видит, потому что его держат в состоянии глубокого гипноза. Никогда ещё народ не был таким тёмным, как сейчас. Человеку не дают шанса остановиться и осмыслить происходящее. Нескончаемые сериалы, один тупее другого, пошлая эстрада, похотливые или агрессивные фильмы, аккуратно воздействуя на подсознание, культивируют дух эгоизма и насилия. Нормальный человек за короткий промежуток времени превращается в беспринципное животное, ведущее абсолютно бессмысленную жизнь."
Сергей Петрович Капица, 9 цитат

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"By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."

John Maynard Keynes

Salviati | there is no limit to my astonishment when I reflect that

"You wonder that there are so few followers of the Pythagorean opinion [that the earth moves] while I am astonished that there have been any up to this day who have embraced and followed it.

Nor can I ever sufficiently admire the outstanding acumen of those who have taken hold of this opinion and accepted it as true:

they have, through sheer force of intellect, done such violence to their own senses as to prefer what reason told them over that which sensible experience plainly showed them to be the contrary.

For the arguments against the whirling [the rotation] of the earth we have already examined are very plausible, as we have seen; and the fact that the Ptolemaics and the Aristotelians and all their disciples took them to be conclusive is indeed a strong argument of their effectiveness.

But the experiences which overtly contradict the annual movement [the movement of the earth around the sun] are indeed so much greater in their apparent force that, I repeat, there is no limit to my astonishment when I reflect that Aristarchus and Copernicus were able to make reason so conquer sense that in defiance of the latter, the former became mistress of their belief."


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Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen