Vince Ebert | preliminary form of science

"For example, if I suspect that there might still be beer in the fridge and I check, then in principle I'm already doing a preliminary form of science. Big difference to theology. In theology, assumptions are not usually tested. So if I just say “there's beer in the fridge”, I'm a theologian. If I look, I'm a scientist. If I look, find nothing and still claim there's beer in it - then I'm an esoteric!"

Vince Ebert

Vince Ebert | They would become afraid of something else virtually overnight

"I'm pretty sure: if the climate change thing was miraculously solved, many Germans wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief. They would become afraid of something else virtually overnight."

Vince Ebert

Vince Ebert | Political correctness

"Political correctness has now reached a level in our society that I see as highly questionable. It starts with the deletion of more and more postings in the social media. Postings, mind you, with content that is clearly not punishable or otherwise legally actionable. The mere fact that a certain group might feel offended by a text is enough. More and more companies and corporations are joining this unfortunate trend and issuing internal memos about required language rules or how to deal with certain topics, the disregard of which can lead to serious consequences for employees. Again, these are not criminal or justiciable matters (which, of course, should rightly be stopped), but rather some of the most harmless formulations and matters that are actually covered by the right to freedom of expression. What I find most alarming, however, is the development at our universities. Places where the free exchange of ideas and opinions should actually be part of the basic equipment. Almost every day, professors, doctoral students and other university staff tell me that they would now be risking their careers if they were to publicly question or criticize current developments at universities. Theses and assertions have even become established there in the meantime, some of which contradict a fundamental scientific factual basis. Unfortunately, I do not see the end of the line. I think it will get much worse."

Vince Ebert