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Archive for category: Ludwig von Mises


Ludwig von Mises | The champions of socialism

“The champions of socialism call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic post office. Every man but one a subordinate clerk in…


Ludwig von Mises | Nothing can make a demagogue more popular today

“Nothing can make a demagogue more popular today than when he repeatedly calls for sharp taxes against the rich […] Wealth levies and high income taxes on the larger incomes are quite extraordinarily popular with the masses who do not have to pay them.” Ludwig von Mises | Ein Lexikon: Von A wie Anarchismus bis Z wie Zwang “Nichts kann einen Demagogen heute volkstümlicher machen, als wenn er immer wieder scharfe Steuern gegen die Reichen fordert […] Vermögensabgaben und hohe Einkommensteuern für die größeren Einkommen sind bei den Massen, die…