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Karl Jaspers | To be scientific, that is to know what one knows and what one does not know

“To be scientific, that is to know what one knows and what one does not know; unscientific is dogmatic knowledge. To be scientific is to know with reasons; to accept ready-made opinions is unscientific. Scientific is the knowledge with the consciousness of the respectively determined limits of the knowledge; unscientific is all total knowledge, as if one knew in the whole. Scientific is boundless criticism and self-criticism, the advancing questioning; unscientific is the concern that doubt could paralyze. Scientific is the methodical course, which step by step on the ground…


Noam Chomsky | governments will use whatever technology

“Governments should not have this capacity. But governments will use whatever technology is available to them to combat their primary enemy – which is their own population” Noam Chomsky “Regierungen sollten nicht über diese Fähigkeit verfügen. Aber Regierungen werden jede Technologie nutzen, die ihnen zur Verfügung steht, um ihren Hauptfeind zu bekämpfen – ihre eigene Bevölkerung.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Fred Hoyle | Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside

“Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from outside, is available…a new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose.“ Fred Hoyle (britische Astronom) “Wenn Menschen Bilder aus dem Weltraum von der Erde sehen, wird das Leben auf der Erde nie mehr so sein, wie es einmal war.“ Variante; “Sobald ein Foto der Erde, das von außen aufgenommen wurde, verfügbar ist, wird eine neue Idee, die so mächtig ist wie keine andere in der Geschichte, freigesetzt werden.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


Norbert W. Bolz | All the notable experts

“All the notable experts support government policy because you only become a notable expert if you support government policy.” Norbert W. Bolz ist ein deutscher Medien- und Kommunikationstheoretiker, Buchautor sowie Designwissenschaftler. Bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahr 2018 lehrte er als Professor für Medienwissenschaften an der TU Berlin “Alle namhaften Experten unterstützen die Regierungspolitik, weil man nur zum namhaften Experten wird, wenn man die Regierungspolitik unterstützt.” Nützliche und hilfreiche Links…


MOYO-Film | because it strives to break out of this cognitive cage

“Activating collective consciousness is probably one of the most difficult tasks to attempt because people are largely unaware of the extent to which their thinking is governed by tacit rules and predetermined as given, assumed notions that, because they appear as self-evident truth, render ideology invisible. Truly unrestricted intellectual debate feels threatening because it strives to break out of this cognitive cage. Worse, this cage is so insidious that it influences even those who are already outside the mainstream. People are rarely, if ever, persuaded by argument. Those who adopt…


Prof. Wolfgang Berger | I acquired all my academic titles by believing in a false doctrine

“I acquired all my academic titles by believing in a false doctrine. A studied economist understands less about macroeconomics than a cow does about flying, because he first has to dig himself out of a swamp of preconceived opinions and errors in thinking in order to even reach the surface, or to get back to where he was before he let himself be committed to the stupification asylum.” Professor Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Berger „Meine ganzen akademischen Titel habe ich mit dem Glauben an eine Irrlehre erworben. Ein studierter Volkswirtschaftler versteht…


John Herschel | In entering upon any scientific pursuit, one of the student’s first endeavours

“In entering upon any scientific pursuit, one of the student’s first endeavours ought to be, to prepare his mind for the reception of truth, by dismissing, or at least loosening his hold on, all such crude and hastily adopted notions respecting the objects and relations he is about to examine as may tend to embarrass or mislead him.; and to strengthen himself, by something of an effort and a resolve, for the unprejudiced admission of any conclusion which shall appear to be supported by careful observation and logical argument, even…


Salviati | there is no limit to my astonishment when I reflect that

“You wonder that there are so few followers of the Pythagorean opinion [that the earth moves] while I am astonished that there have been any up to this day who have embraced and followed it. Nor can I ever sufficiently admire the outstanding acumen of those who have taken hold of this opinion and accepted it as true: they have, through sheer force of intellect, done such violence to their own senses as to prefer what reason told them over that which sensible experience plainly showed them to be the…


Antoine Bechamp | The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient

“The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories. The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow.” Montague R. Leverson London, 1911…


Dr. Tim O’Shea | The shackles of mental control

“The shackles of mental control, perceptual filtering and cultural conditioning are harder to throw off today than ever before. We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever seen. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes continually being shaped and molded; our entire consciousness seems to be subtly and relentlessly erased. The doors of our perception are carefully and precisely controlled. It is an exhaustive and endless task to constantly explain to people how most things of their everyday wisdom are scientifically planted in the public consciousness via…


Michael Crichton | You don’t play ball with the power structure

“…Whoever has the power in society determines what can be studied, determines what can be observed, determines what can be thought. Scientists fall in line with the dominant power structure. They have to, because the power structure pays the bills. You don’t play ball with the power structure, you don’t get money for research, you don’t get an appointment, you don’t get published, in short you don’t count anymore. You’re out. You might as well be dead.” Michael Crichton „…Wer die Macht in der Gesellschaft hat, bestimmt, was studiert werden…


Edward Bernays | The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they…


Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel | massive misalignment in our current worldview

“I actually see a massive misalignment in our current worldview because natural science and technology, represented these days by virology and computer simulations, have taken the former place of religion. In short, essentially at the end of the day, engaging in unsubstantiated metaphysics. However, based on facts. Yes, the natural sciences are now part of the standard realm of ideology, and ideology today means, that you can lie with the facts…” Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel „Ich sehe tatsächlich eine massive Schieflage in unserem gegenwärtigen Weltbild, weil Naturwissenschaft und Technik, in…