
John Hampden | We know this by patient and long continued investigations

"We know this by patient and long continued investigations - the surface of water is a LEVEL SURFACE. This is the key which is unlocking the minds of the people and letting in a flood of light upon the question of the shape of the earth. We know consequently that the surface of earth is a plane surface and that the earth itself can NOT be a globe."

John Hampden

Nikola Tesla | his mind had to free itself from the influence of delusive appearances

"The greatest triumphs of man were those in which his mind had to free itself from the influence of delusive appearances.[...] An unalterable rotational velocity thru all phases of planetary evolution is manifestly impossible. [...] The truth is, the so-called “axial rotation” of the moon is a phenomenon deceptive alike to the eye and mind and devoid of physical meaning. [...] The moon does rotate, not on its own, but about an axis passing thru the center of the earth, the true and only one."

Nikola Tesla

The Analyst (Matrix) | His Matrix was all fussy facts and equations

"Now, my predecessor loved precision. His Matrix was all fussy facts and equations. He hated the human mind. So he never bothered to realize that you don’t give a shit about facts. It’s all about fiction. The only world that matters is the one in here. And you people believe the craziest shit. Why? What validates and makes your fictions real? Feelings."

Neil Patrick Harris | The Analyst (Matrix Resurrections (2021)) | Movie quote

Dr. Robert Malone | Techno-fascism for the rest of their natural lives as serfs

“They are coming from a belief system that says that nation-state is an obsolete idea and we have to have a one-world government that is basically a fusion of the interests of corporations and politics, global politics. And we’ve got to start by finding out who they are, voting them out of office, making sure they are not part of our governments.

Two of the more prominent ones, are Governors Gavin Newsom of California and Jay Inslee of Washington. Both are WEF traitors working on behalf of foreign globalist interests, and are not, for all intents and purposes, true Americans.

We’ve got to out these people, we’ve got to force them to account for whether they’re Americans or whether they’re globalists, and if they’re globalists then they’ve got to get out. We’ve got to get rid of them, we’ve got to take back ownership of our country.

If you believe in the Constitution, if you believe in the principles of free speech and personal autonomy, medical autonomy and autonomy at every other level, then it’s time to fight. Or your children are going to live in basically a techno-fascism for the rest of their natural lives as serfs.”

Dr. Robert Malone

Yuval Noah Harari | “I think maybe in a couple of decades when people look back

"I think maybe in a couple of decades when people look back, the thing they will remember from the Covid crisis is this is the moment when everything went digital and this was the moment when everything became monitored, that we agreed to be surveilled all the time, not just in authoritarian regimes, but even in democracies and maybe most importantly, this was the moment when surveillance started going under the skin, because really we haven’t seen anything yet. I think that the big process that’s happening right now, the world is hacking human beings, the ability to hack humans, to understand deeply what’s happening within you, what makes you go.

For that, the most important data is not what you read and who you meet and what you buy, it’s what’s happening inside your body. We have these two big revolutions-the Computer Science revolution or the infotech revolution and the revolution in the biological sciences and they are still separate, but they are about to merge. They are merging around I would say, the biometric sensor. It’s the thing, it’s the gadget, it’s the technology that converts biological data into digital data that can be analyzed by computers and having the ability to really monitor people under the skin, this is the biggest game changer of all because this is the key for getting to know people better than they know themselves."

Yuval Noah Harari

Paul Feyerabend | the establishment of the heliocentric worldview

"There are numerous sociological and historical case studies describing how opinions are established as "knowledge" in societies. For example, Paul Feyerabend explained in 1975 that the establishment of the heliocentric worldview was not based on new discoveries, but on a clever propaganda strategy of Galileo Galilei. According to Feyerabend, the representatives of the geocentric world view "did not recognize the propaganda value of predictions and dramatic shows, nor did they make use of the intellectual and social power of the newly created classes. They lost because they did not take advantage of existing opportunities."

Paul Feyerabend

Petr Skrabanek | The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth

"The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth. When this pursuit is no longer a personal yearning but part of state ideology, healthism for short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness."

Petr Skrabanek

Sir Fred Hoyle | So, does the earth spin?

"We can talk with precision of a body as spinning around relative to something or another, but there is no such thing as absolute spin: the Earth is not spinning to those of us who live on its surface and our point of view is as good as anyone else’s – but no better." (F. Hoyle: Frontiers of Astronomy, New York, Harper & Row, 1966, p304.)

Sir Fred Hoyle

Walter van der Kamp | Since Galileo science has shed logical proofs in favour of plausibility

"Actually neither this Galileo, nor his mentor Copernicus, had a shred of truly tangible and unequivocal evidence for their heliocentric belief – and well do historians, astronomers, and philosophers of science know it! As I recently found it succinctly expressed in a research paper “Since Galileo science has shed logical proofs in favour of plausibility. Indeed, by this “scientific method” of adding plausible explanations to plausible explanations astronomy has arrived at the present view of the cosmos. However, those who forget that “plausible” and “proven” are not synonyms inevitably will see their chickens come home to roost."

Walter van der Kamp

Prof. Steven Weinberg | The International Space Station is an orbital turkey

"The International Space Station is an orbital turkey....No important science has come out of it. I could almost say no science has come out of it. And I would go beyond that and say that the whole manned spaceflight program, which is so enormously expensive, has produced nothing of scientific value."

Prof. Steven Weinberg

Brian Cox | There is absolutely no basis at all for thinking the world is flat

“There is absolutely no basis at all for thinking the world is flat. Nobody in human history, as far as I know, has thought the world was flat. The Greeks measured the radius of the Earth. I cannot conceive of a reason why anybody would think the world is flat. There are interesting bits of physics that tell you you live on a spinning planet and one of them is called the Coriolis force, which is the force that's responsible for causing storm systems to rotate on the planet. So when you see those beautiful pictures of storms spinning around and rotating, the reason for that is that we live on a spinning planet. It's probably the most nonsensical suggestion that a thinking human being could possibly make. It is drivel.”

Brian Edward Cox

Max Planck | Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind

"Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: Ye must have faith. It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with."

Max Planck 

Marcia Angell | It is simply no longer possible

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”

Marcia Angell

Richard Horton | The case against science is straightforward

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness”

Richard Horton

Michio Kaku | Why do we think that?

"Why do we think that? Because we have a theory called string theory, it is fantastic it is incredible. It has astounded the world of mathematics, and physics and now you can't move in the physics world without bumping into somebody who wants to talk about the 10th Dimension the 11th Dimension the Multiverse hyperspace time travel. All the things that were once considered science fiction are now centerpiece in our understanding of the nature of everything."

Dr. Michio Kaku

George A. Keysworth | All government agencies lie part of the time

"All government agencies lie part of the time, but NASA is the only one I've ever encountered that does so routinely. "

George A. Keyworth

George Francis Rayner Ellis | People need to be aware

"People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations….For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations….You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds. In my view there is absolutely nothing wrong in that. What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that."

George Francis Rayner Ellis 

Vince Ebert | They would become afraid of something else virtually overnight

"I'm pretty sure: if the climate change thing was miraculously solved, many Germans wouldn't breathe a sigh of relief. They would become afraid of something else virtually overnight."

Vince Ebert

David Graeber | We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth

"We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth. It is cosmically unlikely that the developed world will choose to end its orgy of fossil energy consumption, and the Third World its suicidal consumption of landscape. Until such time as Homo Sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along."

David Graeber

Roland Baader | Ecologism is a decay product of Marxism

"Ecologism is (among quite a few other ism) a decay product of Marxism. The failed "impoverishment thesis" is replaced by the eco- and climate catastrophe. The goal is the extinction of capitalism - and thus of Western freedom."

Roland Baader

Edwin Grant Conklin | Dictators seek to control men’s thoughts

“Dictators seek to control men’s thoughts as well as their bodies and so they attempt to dictate science, education and religion. But dictated education is usually propaganda, dictated history is often mythology, dictated science is pseudo-science.”

Edwin Grant Conklin

Dara O’Briain | Science knows it doesn’t know everything

"Science knows it doesn't know everything; otherwise, it'd stop. But just because science doesn't know everything doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy tale most appeals to you."

Dara O'Briain

Edward Bernays | If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it."

Edward Bernays

Marcus Aurelius | Everything we hear is an opinion

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."

Marcus Aurelius

W. Winckler | As an engineer of many years standing

"As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that this absurd allowance is only permitted in school books. No engineer would dream of allowing anything of the kind. I have projected many miles of railways and many more of canals and the allowance has not even been thought of, much less allowed for. This allowance for curvature means this - that it is 8” for the first mile of a canal, and increasing at the ratio by the square of the distance in miles; thus a small navigable canal for boats, say 30 miles long, will have, by the above rule an allowance for curvature of 600 feet. Think of that and then please credit engineers as not being quite such fools. Nothing of the sort is allowed. We no more think of allowing 600 feet for a line of 30 miles of railway or canal, than of wasting our time trying to square the circle"

W. Winckler

Dave Smith | basic human liberties

"If you believe that the most basic human liberties ought to be contingent on taking a product from a giant pharmaceutical company then you are not liberal or left wing. You’re not a conservative or patriotic. There is only one word to describe you and that is Fascist."

Dave Smith

David Wardlaw Scott | Children are taught in their geography books, when too young to apprehend aright the meaning of such things

"Children are taught in their geography books, when too young to apprehend aright the meaning of such things, that the world is a great globe revolving around the Sun, and the story is repeated continuously, year by year, till they reach maturity, at which time they generally become so absorbed in other matters as to be indifferent as to whether the teaching be true or not, and, as they hear of nobody contradicting it, they presume that it must be the correct thing, if not to believe at least to receive it as a fact. They thus tacitly give their assent to a theory which, if it had first been presented to them at what are called ‘years of discretion,’ they would at once have rejected. The consequences of evil-teaching, whether in religion or in science, are far more disastrous than is generally supposed, especially in a luxurious laisser faire age like our own. The intellect becomes weakened and the conscience seared."

David Wardlaw Scott

Michael Meyen | because it couldn’t learn that anywhere

"The first bachelor generation is just climbing the university chairs. People who are perfectly trained in their craft, who have internalized the hegemonic ideology, and who are good advertising media for a system that needs academic confirmation in order to be able to continue to say 'democracy'. This generation already determines what 'good science' is. It fills journals, conference programs, and so eventually textbooks, lectures, and seminars - with topics, perspectives, and terms it has taken from the political agenda and the tenders linked to it, and which it doesn't question because it couldn't learn that anywhere."

Michael Meyen

Carl Sagan | The bamboozle has captured us

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."

Carl Sagan