"For if you give the state, the authority to grant you your rights....in that same breath, you have just given them the authority to also take them away" G. Edward Griffin
"Democracy is the method of implementing the will of the financial aristocracy in such a way that the people believe that humanity wanted it that way." Matthias Lubos
"The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people's money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly." Thomas Sowell
"The very first thing we have to understand is that the mainstream media are not a mirror of reality. Not even a distorted mirror of reality, but provide us with a reality that is constructed according to its very own points of view. Which is made to influence us in a certain way." Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen
"The Germ Theory of infectious contagious disease is convenient because it provides what every simplistic view of a problem seeks before all else: a culprit, an invisible hare for the hounds to chase in their costly research labs, universities, hospitals, and drug factories. The fact that the hare can never be caught is the perfect guarantee that their race will never finish, their demands for funding will never cease, and their ability to generate profits for the drug and chemical corporations will continue to grow." Montague R. Leverson
"The most dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction are the Mass Media. For they destroy the people's spirit, creativity and courage, replacing them by fear, mistrust, guilt and self-doubt." M.A.Verick
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." James Paul Warburg
“And a free state absolutely respects physical integrity to the extent that medical treatments may not take place against the will of the person concerned. A state that sets out to control the bodies and minds of its citizens is excessive and acts in a totalitarian manner.” Kai Möller
"I have spent many years loathing journalism and the intellectual corruption that emanates from it with all the strength of my soul." Karl Kraus
"The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse." Edmund Burke

COVID quotes reveal the madness of our times: media manipulation, political agenda and distorted science dominated public opinion during the pandemic.

"The combination of the silence of the masses and the sometimes overwhelming volume of this greatest global crime of all time in my mind is, in its relentless daily presence, the most eerie and surreal feeling I have ever experienced."
