Jesús Huerta de Soto | We are unable to even conceive of the immeasurable achievements, progress

"We are unable to even conceive of the immeasurable achievements, progress, and discoveries of mankind that would be attainable in an entrepreneurial environment freed from all etatism. The creative power of human nature is such that it can take root and flourish even in the narrowest crevices left by the state. But when people realize the essentially perverse nature of the state that coerces them and perceive the immeasurable possibilities that are taken away from them day after day by blocking the driving force of their entrepreneurial creativity, then social protest will increase. Then there will be calls for reforms, for dismantling the state, and for steps toward a future that we don't even know today, but that will inevitably lift human civilization to previously unimaginable heights."

Jesús Huerta de Soto